I had THREE COVER REVEALS this week because I put two pre-orders up for the Bossy Series and this one here for a brand new book releasing in February called CREEPING BEAUTIFUL. Of the two Bossy books only one got a proper blog post, Bossy Bride (because the Bossy Brothers: Alonzo pre-order didn’t go live on time so I just said fuck it and put up the announcement in Shrike Bikes!) lol So that means Bossy Alonzo didn’t get his own giveaway. But I will put it up next week and all will be well in the world!
AND – the FRIDAY NIGHT FREEBIE IS GOING UP RIGHT AFTER THIS POST! I didn’t forget about that! (I will link it here when it goes live!)
I explained a lot about Creeping Beautiful in the Bossy Johnny END OF BOOK SHIT (This Johnny book went LIVE yesterday, by the way!) And I’m not going to explain all that stuff here in this post. But I will say this – CREEPING BEAUTIFUL is a COMPANY book. HOWEVER there are four NEW characters and none of the previous story really has any impact on this new story EXCEPT that there are a few OLD characters from the Company (Nick Tate and Sasha Cherlin) who will appear in the story from time to time.
THE STORY IN CREEPING BEAUTIFUL IS NOT CENTERED ON NICK. I need to spell that out. Or SASHA. They are very secondary to the four main characters who are: McKay, Indie, Adam, and Donovan. This is a MMFM (kind of reverse harem), though it’s NOT like Bossy Joey was. It’s much more like Taking Turns.
These four characters love each other FIERCELY. They were a tight team at once time (and if you read Bossy Johnny you will learn more about that because some of this story starts there. If you choose not to read Bossy Johnny, it’s all good. You won’t miss anything in Creeping Beautiful.) But then shit happened and they fell apart. And well… that’s all I’m going to say for now. I’ll let you read the blurb, look at the cover, and enter the giveaway!
Creeping Beautiful
By JA Huss
Romantic Suspense
Publishing February 19, 2020
EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-950232-20-8
I wasn’t the one who broke her but I played my part.
She came to us when she was ten. I raised her. I loved her. I taught her how to survive in a world of evil men.
But it wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t the one who saved her but I did my best.
She needed me as much as I needed her. Bought and paid for on the auction block. But not for the reasons you think.
She was my weapon.
I wasn’t the one who lied to her but I hid her truth.
She was broken before I got there. Wild and angry. Defiant and bratty. But she trusted me most. She loved me best.
So I set her free.
Indie Anna Accorsi is a woman lost in her past.
A pretty little nightmare.
A gorgeous piece of misery.
A mess of lovely darkness.
She is creeping beautiful.
And now we want her back.
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Everything is optional.
Enter the way you like best!
122 Responses
Honestly, not yet. I’m a last minute shopper.
No I wait until Black Friday
I try to be an early shopper but as my kids get older ( which means I’m getting older lol) I just don’t wanna!
Not yet.. I see lots of Christmas themed products in stores already though..lol
Yes! LOL I have *never* started this early before. Hopefully it doesn’t bite me in the hinny! It may mean I spend more money instead of less. 🤔🤨🤐
Noooooo! It’s still 70 degrees here, and I cannot.
I’m seeing lots of Christmas stuff in stores I’m not ready for that yet!! Beautiful cover love it
I wish!! I am unemployed at the moment, trying to get disability. No money here 🙁
No, I haven’t.
For once I can say YES, I have!!! 😁
Yes, I started Christmas shopping last month. I like to get it done as early as possible.
No I haven’t started my Christmas shopping yet P(
I have not started my Christmas shopping yet
Very excited about this release, well I’m always excited about all you new releases 😂
Ha is right! I haven’t even thought about shopping!
And no I haven’t started my shopping, I’m just going to give them CASH it’s easier and they can purchase whatever they want
I sell online, so we are always going to auctions and estate sales. I start shopping for Christmas as soon as Christmas is over. I get people unique gifts. So to answer the question, yes, I have already started my Christmas shopping LOL.
I always start early and get the big stuff out if the way.
Love this cover, can’t wait
You are funny. No I haven’t started my Christmas shopping.
Not yet, but my daughters have already given me lists.
I have picked up a couple of items for my grandchildren.
Not even close 😂
Oh my gosh, no… not yet!!
I cant wait, love everything you write!
I have got to read this book
Not even close! Thanks so much!
No Christmas shopping yet but very soon!
Believe it or not I’m usually finished my Christmas shopping by the end of October. But this year I haven’t even started. HELP!
😁😁😁 No! But all those cover reveals…this is Christmas! 💜💗
No I havent bit one thing yet lol
Not yet, but I will soon.
I don’t start until black Friday and Cyber Monday
I love the cover. The colors and graphics are great.
Nope, but my family lives in a different state from me, so I usually just buy them gift cards! So much easier!
I have started to Christmas shop but I have lots to do yet.
I haven’t
Yes! Love to get deals on stocking stuff items.
no not yet
A few things here and there
Yes! Half way done😁
No. It’s not even on my mind.
Actually yes! Saw something at HomeGoods and if you see something you like at HomeGoods you have to just buy it. It won’t be there another time.
Not yet, can’t afford it!
Not yet. To much going on right now, but I should before my surgery on November.
I have not started yet
– Betul
Nope – not even thinking about it.
Yes I’ve bought a few things.
I haven’t yet. I’m a last week before Christmas kinda shopper. 😜
LOL!!! No I haven’t.
Not at all
Hell no.
Eewwww. No. I’d say it’s because it’s too early, but really I’m just a procrastinator.
no, but i should
No, not yet.
I always get my teens a season pass to Six Flags for their stocking, and got that during the super sale a couple weeks ago, so one gift is taken care of!
No, I haven’t! I’m so behind this year! I used to make all my gifts, and start really early, but now I’m buying.
HA you’re funny….I haven’t even figured out what to get everyone.
Christmas shopping? It is only September I wait until mid December
Oh my goodness, no. I have a few things that I have for regifting but not near enough!
Yes! I shop on and off all year round and get really awesome stuff for pennies on the dollar. I’m always excited to look on the clearance racks where you can find amazing deals.
Heck no! Lol I’m such a procrastinator when it comes to Christmas anything!
Yes, I have bought a few small things.
Yes, I sort of started…essentially, when I see something that would fit someone, I get it.
yes I pick up stuff year round.
Yes. I shop all year long and if I find something that I think is perfect for someone then I get it. I have 50% done.
Did I start my Christmas shopping yet? Yeah, kinda sorta… but if I buy too early, I tuck the presents away, then forget where I put them!
I buy Christmas presents all year round and I was even thinking about wrapping the first ones already.
That would be a hell no!
No way! Its too soon!
Actually, I am probably 1/2 done. I am coming to realize I have to start early to be able to afford what I want to do for christmas. Thank you for letting enter.
LMAO!!!! Um ya .. No 😆
No I am trying to get the lists from my children and grandchildren.
No, I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet. I need to get on it! Wow, we’re coming into fourth quarter already!
I buy gifts whenever I see an item that would be perfect for someone and save it for the appropriate holiday.
No. I do most of my shopping on Black Friday.
I haven’t even thought about Christmas much less started shopping. I will start shopping a few weeks before just like I have for many years past.
I don’t do a whole lot of Christmas shopping… I just kind of grew up as a non gift giving family and it’s kind of fantastic.
Yes I’ve bought some toys for my youngest
No, I probably won’t be shopping this year, can’t afford it! 🙁
No. I usually start the middle of December. LOL
Absolutely not… But I did think about it for about 10 seconds.
Kind of. I have to mail things home so I start early.
I CANNOT wait for this book! I’m so excited. And that cover……gorgeous!!
Nope. No Christmas shopping until after Thanksgiving for this old elf.
No. We are just paying bills paycheck by paycheck and are happy to be current.
No, have not started yet.
Heck no! Seriously? LOL
Not until after Thanksgiving!
No I haven’t and won’t be going shopping crazy this year.
Yes, I do not buy that much. We buy toys for the little ones. Most people want Gift Cards.
No, should I have???
I am already done my shopping for Christmas I start the day after Christmas is so I can get on the clearance sales so usually by June I am finished with my list of people to buy for just need to buy the food when holidays come.
No way, unless I see something awesome, but not on purpose.
Have 1 item LOL
No, I have not.
Not yet
no not yet, I’m thinking of Halloween right now
I always leave my Christmas shopping to the last minute.
Yes, I have started my Christmas shopping.
No, I have not started my Christmas shopping, usually begin in November.
Yes, I start in January.
Thanks so very much for the opportunity
No, not yet but my hubby just bought me a laptop for Christmas so he’s got a head start on me😞
No, and it makes me anxious.
No not yet
I haven’t!! I normally have by now, but we have had so many extra expenses this year and just had to buy a new-to-us vehicle. Christmas will be small this year, but big on love 🙂
I have nowhere near started my Christmas shopping. Bite your tongue, it’s early yet. Lol Loving this cover! It’s gorgeous. 🐍😘💕💋
yes I have started my Christmas shopping
I have not yet started my Christmas shopping.
I buy throughout the year so I don’t have to go shopping at the mall with all the rush.
NO!! I really need to get started, though!
I haven’t started my Christmas shopping yet.
I usually have a closet full of Christmas presents for my teenage son by now but I have NOTHING! I am so behind this year!!!
I have started with 4 kids Totally have to be on top of it 🙂