AND THE WINNER IS… Pat Chrisp-Langston
CONGRATS! You win the Day 4 Giveaway! Please check your EMAIL!
Welcome to my annual 12 DAYS OF GIVEAWAYS!
If you’re new to this – here’s how it works:
1. Each day from December 1 through December 12 I will put up a new giveaway HERE on my website with instructions on how to enter, a detailed description of the prize, and some stuff about the book or series. Each giveaway is different and each has ONE WINNER UNLESS you are the winner and you are from Australia or New Zealand.
MY GIVEAWAYS ARE ALWAYS OPEN INTERNATIONAL BUT the United States Post Office has stopped all mail delivery to AUS and NZ. Shit is weird BUT you can still win if you’re from AUS or NZ because each giveaway has a GIFT CARD as well as a physical gift. So if the winner chosen is from AUS or NZ – there will be TWO winners. The AUS/NZ winner will get the GIFT CARD and the second winner will get the physical prize but NO gift card.
2. Each giveaway runs UNTIL DECEMBER 13.
3. Winners are CHOSEN and NOTIFIED on December 14. I will be notifying winners in various ways depending on how people enter. Sometimes on FB, sometimes on IG, sometimes in my FB fan group (Shrike Bikes), sometimes via email – and all winners will BE LISTED AT THE TOP OF EACH GIVEAWAY POST HERE ON MY WEBSITE on December 14.
4. Winners have 24 hours to respond, then another winner will be chosen.
5. ALL PRIZES WILL BE MAILED ON DECEMBER 15. If I’m waiting on a winner to respond and they miss the December 15 mail date, that prize will be mailed when I get around to it. I live in the middle of nowhere so a trip to the post office is a “thing” for me. 🙂 So make sure you’re checking for winners on the 14th.
6. I will send newsletters announcing giveaways on December 1, December 6, December 12, and a Winner newsletter on December 14. I NEVER send this many newsletters in a month so sorry if that feels spammy. I just have quite a few readers who do not do socials and there will be at least three giveaways that do not involve socials in any way. So I need to get the word out.
7. You can also FOLLOW MY BLOG. I will also make a blog post HERE announcing ALL WINNERS on the 14th. If you want to follow this blog there will be a form at the bottom of each post to do that. Then you get an email when I POST HERE. I don’t do that often – December is the exception because of the 12 Days and my yearly “Wrap-up” post.
THAT’S IT! I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY THIS! The world is INSANE right now so I’m just trying to spread some cheer and give back to all of you who support me and enjoy the stories I create.
High Court College isn’t for everyone. And the secret society that meets deep in the woods is even more exclusive. Only a select few will get in during the summer rush–and Cadee Hunter wants to be one of them. Too bad it’s Cooper Valcourt’s mission to make sure she fails.
Bully boys.
Arrogant tyrants.
Blue-blood bastards.
Call them whatever you want.
Around here, we just call them Kings.
Fancy boats.
Lakeside mansions.
Luxe watches and bespoke suits.
The Kings of High Court College act like Gods.
And Cooper Valcourt is the worst of them.
He is the bully king.
His family owns everything.
And his mission is to put me in my place and send me packing.
But Cooper and I have a history filled with secrets.
And everyone knows that power doesn’t come from having money.
It comes from holding secrets.
And I’m holding one of his.
A very dark secret that can bring him to his knees.
Bully King is new-adult, dark, bully romance featuring boys with power and girls at their mercy. It’s a campus shrouded in lies and a summer rush into an elite society that can propel a poor girl straight into the ruling class.
If… she’s willing to pay the price.
1. Signed Bully King Paperback
2. Signed Ruling Class Paperback
3. Bully King Candle
4. Ruling Class Candle
5. TokyoMilk Let Them Eat Cake Lip Balm
6. TokyoMilk Let Them Eat Cake Mini Lotion
7. Herbal Bath Salts
8. $20 Gift Card
9. Nordic Pine Soap
10. Super Swag Pack
AUDIOBOOK is Whispersynced on AMAZON and available at AUDIBLE and APPLE AUDIOBOOKS.
The audiobook isn’t in the Audible Plus Catalog BUT it is Whispersynced (and almost 9 HOURS LONG!) so you can get it for just $7.49 when you grab the eBook first.
(1) This is a Social-Media-Free Giveaway!
(2) COMMENT BELOW and answer the question – What was the BEST THING about 2021?
And you can’t say that it wasn’t 2020! lol.
It’s so easy to get lost in all the bullshit that’s happening these days, but this is YOUR life. Right? So you can’t let the actions of others–especially shit out of your control–ruin what’s good about it. Something good happened this year for everyone. Even if it’s a small thing. And while I am all about counting your blessings, that’s not what this is about. I get it, we should all have gratitude. It can always get worse, that’s my motto. But it’s also OK to just be happy that something went right.
So what went right for you this year?
2021 wasn’t a bad year for me. Most of what’s happening around the world right now hasn’t touched me. I sometimes feel like I’m Bilbo Baggins living my blissful life in the Shire while the rest of the world deals with another reality. I live in the country, on a lot of land, and I work from home. So it’s kinda true. If I don’t want to deal with the bullshit, I don’t have to.
But that doesn’t mean everything goes right. However, something that had been bothering me since we moved in finally seems to be going right. So the best thing about 2021 for me was that this was the first year I finally had time to enjoy my property. I bought this ranch about four and a half years ago and life has been crazy ever since we moved in. When we first moved here it had all this crazy landscaping around the house. I’m talking – waaaay over the top. I live too far away to hire a landscaper or a lawn company to take care of it, so I sorta just let it go. Priorities, right.
And I hated that.
But this year I cleaned it all up (in front, at least. The back year is a whole other matter). I spent a lot time trimming the trees, and cutting down brush, and buying all sorts of landscaping equipment. I finally accepted the fact that if I wanted it done, I had to do it myself. It’s either let it all look like shit or find the time to do it myself. So I did it myself. My son helped me a lot too.
I planted a TON of bulbs this fall so I will be bothering you with pics when they bloom! 🙂 And I hope to put in a bunch of raised beds for spring. We don’t have a very long growing season at 7100 feet elevation, but there’s a lot of sun, so I’m hoping for vegetables next year.
I’m also getting chickens next April. I haven’t had chickens in like 10 years. I used to be crazy for chickens. I had ducks and geese too. I mean, I was kind of obsessed. I built an aviary that connected to my barn (this was the old house) and I was raising ornamental ducks and shit. But, I got tired of it, I guess. It was a big flock and a lot of work. So I was NOT going to get any chickens again.
But I caved last week and pre-ordered them for spring. 🙂 Only 8 though. I got two of each – Black Australorps, Whiting True Blues, Rhode Island Reds, and White Orpingtons. They are mostly heavy birds that lay brown eggs (the true blues lay BLUE eggs!) and the Orpingtons will set, so when I get a rooster, they will hatch for me. But I will NOT go crazy. I’m calling a guy today about a coop I saw on Craig’s List… (But I swear, I will NOT get obsessed…)
I also put up two bird feeders in my “front yard”. Which isn’t a yard, but a collection of aspen trees and lichen rocks (over-the-top, remember?). And I swear, over a thousand birds come though my aspens every day. Like hoards of red-winged blackbirds. And the magpies, of course. I see so many different kinds of birds each day, it’s blowing my mind. I even see juncos AND I saw a shrike! 🙂 I have a new camera so I’ve been taking pics. Here’s a few for you to look at (plus a gratuitous pic to Blue to even out the number of photos in my gallery! )

So the best thing about 2021 for me was staying home and enjoying what I have while thinking about how I can make it better in the future.
AND HERE is a sneak peek of tomorrow’s giveaway!
Make sure you stop by and enter!
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761 Responses
The best thing about 2021 is that it’s almost over. I’ve had a lot of health issues and hope 2022 will be better.
Not entering this one as I already have the books and candles! 2021 has been really rough. Best thing overall (after a 4 month wait) our new sectional was finally delivered – it’s super cozy, room for all 4 of us to sit together – which we really haven’t ever had (it’s been 20 years since we last bought a couch). I’m halfway through my Masters program – should finish by end of next 2022 (I’ll be 51!) and tuition is covered by employer! My oldest was accepted to her 1st choice college and in their Honors College – full scholarship so we just have to cover room/food/books. And my youngest finally has a friend from school down the street! Oh and I finally made the decision to quit my weekend job – hair color for a few past clients – we could still use the extra money – but I’m just tired and want to spend the weekends with my girls.
The highlight of this year is finally taking back my health. I’ve let stress rule, and made family and work a priority, putting myself on the back burner for years. This year I’ve lost 45 lbs and quit smoking. I feel great about those accomplishments. Still have more to go but yay for progress! Love you and the shrike group! Happy Holidays to all!
I was going to say the best thing about 2021 is that it’s almost over, because it was a hard year. I did however get to go to 3 book signings and made some new friends so that was great!
best thing about 2021? That I have my friends, family, job, and health
That all of my family are in good health. Hoping next year is better
2021 has been challenging trying to adjust to the world’s new normal but hoping for a better 2022. My child graduates high school and graduates from her college dual enrollment program and be certified in mechatronics. So proud of her hopefully we will be able to celebrate since her birthday is in between her 2 graduations. Cross my fingers. I will be able to share the swag from the giveaways with her
We had my Mom’s celebration of life at her favorite brewery in Crystal Lake Illinois. It was a fun time for all. If you knew my family you would know our sense of humor is a bit off. We set up a table with her pictures and her ashes. ( Mom always loved a party.) Put her ashes in a wild gift bag every guest of honor needs a new party dress, set it on its side pulled it half out and said she was half in the bag.
After the party I gave custody to my sister so she could spread Mom in the trees in Kentucky. So Mom got her wish to be under the cool trees and out of the heat of Arizona. I kept enough to put in a small bottle that I can wear and keep her traveling.
The BEST thing about 2021 was that we finally got to see our newest granddaughter (born last December) in Virginia Beach in May. We drove from Houston and took 3 days to get there and it was totally worth it.
The best thing to me about 2021 is to learn it is ok to be alone and enjoy myself in reading, writing, walking and enjoying nature. What an awesome person I am!!!
We were able to buy our 1st home in February before the market went crazy. Feels wonderful!
The only positive thing I have to say that I enjoyed this year was finally getting away with my husband to Jamaica, 10 wonderful days with my husband. No getting up six days a week at 4am for work and I only get two weeks vacation so we made them count.
I got a puppy this year. I was suffering with empty nest and talked my husband into getting a puppy. We love him so much!
I can’t say anything overly fantastic has happened but I did get to do all my landscaping to my new house. It’s not enjoyable when you look out the window to dirt!
Nothing good about 2021.. I found my mom passed away. In oct and its just been so blah…
My oldest son is a senior in high school so we have had a lot of fun events centering around that.
I was able to travel allowing me to visit family for the first time since 2019. I was able to be with my parents for each other their 75th birthdays. We were even able to throw my dad a surprise birthday party and I flew in as an additional surprise!!!
The best thing that happened this year is I started working with an awesome lady as a second job and it is the most relaxing thing which I need since I have a stressful job (teacher).
Best thing about 2021 was knowing we are one day closer to book signings, Cafe visits and nights out again.
I have a good friend that passed from cancer in September. We were able to spend some quality time at the beach while she was still able to travel. That time was a highlight of my year. Special moments with special friends are a treasure.
The best thing about 2021 is that I kept my job, I still have my friends and family, and we didn’t get COVID, and we are all healthy
The best thing for me this year is for my son…it is his second year at college. The first year he was completely by himself and got really depressed. This fall he made a few friends and got put on medicine for depression/anxiety and I see such a difference in him. It makes my mom heart so happy!
The best thing about 2021 was starting a new job and working with some wonderful people.
My Son got married and is expecting a baby girl in early 2022.
The best thing is that I found out I get to work from home permanently.
The best thing about 2021 is that I had time to stop and take account of my life and decide who was important to keep in touch with. With the vaccines available, I was able to see more people but since I had taken a step back from my every day life I got to choose who to spend my precious time with. I also cut out of my life things I do not enjoy since it became much more clear to me that my time on this earth is finite.
After two plus years I was finally approved for Social security disability income.
The best thing about 2021 we have bonded more as a family and are spending more time together. Covid makes you look at things differently.
For me the best thing about 2021 was leaving my job of 8 yrs (my mental health was taking a big hit)with the support of my love
The best thing about 2021 for me is that i slowly started working on self acceptence and loving my body. With help of my bf, we keep helping eachother grow
Best thing this year has been the time I’ve gotten to spend with my family. I lost my job, but during my job hunt my family made it worth it.
The best thing that happened for me this year, after 2 failed back surgeries my husband got the spinal cord stimulator. At this point its helping some with his chronic back pain, hoping as they add programs it will keep him out of pain.
2021 has been a really rough year so I guess it being over would be the best thing to happen!
Best thing about this year , is that my Son and his Fiancé of 4 yrs finally bought a house , even though the housing market was crazy. Thanks for a chance ❤️❤️
Best thing of 2021–accepted a job with an editing company.
best about 2021 is reconnecting with family and friends
The best thing about 2021 is that my husband finished building our new deck and we’ve enjoyed eating outside and bbqing for family.
The best things about 2021….
1. Reconnecting with fam and friends
2. Finding my dream job
3. I learned to appreciate all I have because I know I’ve earned everything because I’ve worked hard and didn’t need help to get where I am today!
The best thing about 2021 for me was my whole family getting vaccinated so we can get together. 2020 was rough.
The best thing about 2021 was finally being able to see family that we couldn’t see because of covid restrictions! You don’t know what you’ve lost until its taken away from you. Ty! Again for a chance💞💋
Best thing for me this year is taking control of my health and truly living a healthy lifestyle. The 20lbs I let go of was a bonus! I get to wear my favorite pants again!
The best thing of 2021 for me was being able to get together with my family again after COVID Restrictions. Lots of quality time with my Grandkids at the lake!
My best friend got to move back home after living across the country for 6 years!
I was excited that we got to eat in a restaurant for the first time since stuck inside for a year.
Those pictures are amazing! I went through a life-changing event back in August and although it was devastating, it was also the best thing to happen this year because it allowed the opportunity to grow in my faith and become closer with my man. We have an unbreakable bond and continue to become stronger together 💖
The best thing about 2021was my son and his lovely soul mate Megan bought their first home together and my son asked me to live in his old home he refurbished from head to toe a couple of years before. I’ve never had my own home so I’m enjoying decorating it and making it my very own. You can catch me reading a JA Huss book in my new slimline recliner just about everyday, but I’ll always have time for friends and family while I tell them about the amazing story I’m reading. 😉😜
Best thing of 2021 for me was my husband and got to actually go OUT! We went to concerts and dinner often and SAFELY. It was wonderful.
Best thing was that I met a lot of people and made so many new friends even if it was online.
Best thing that happened this year is 2020 being over and my husband getting a new job he actually loves.
The best thing about 2021 is that I got to continue working from home, we added a new kitten to my fur family and I am continuing to improve myself with my weight, baking and cooking skills and being the best human I can possibly be.
Spent a week at Anna Marie Isand with son and family, wonderful time!! Thank u for the chance!!
The best part of 2021 was getting out again. Our son is in the military and we were able to go see him TWICE! It was amazing! And, once the other son went with us, so the whole little family was together for a few days.
Best thing about 2021 is my son got his license, so I don’t have to drive my kids to school any more. I usually stay up late reading and hated waking up early to drive them to school. I work nights as a labor and Delivery nurse, so I value sleep and some extra “me time” is the best thing.
The best thing of 2021 is that my little female racoon named Lucy (she’s wild, but we feed her and love her) got pregnant and showed up one evening with 5 adorable babies in tow. They spend every night in our backyard feeling safe and happy (Lucy appears to not have the best eyesight) and I feel like a proud Grandma. The babies take pieces of hard-boiled egg from my fingers and are so freaking adorable.
We got to move into a better house with more ground so I can have a new workshop for my business. Also my Daughter came home to live with us for a few months, which means we can spend Christmas together.
Best thing about 2021 was finally being able to see family that lived out of our state. We took a family trip and the memories we made were wonderful.
Kids back in school full time
My Niece Oakley was born and she is just the cutest. My daughter graduated Community College and started at a 4 year university.
The best thing about 2021 for me was finishing a novel I wrote to explore and heal from 20 years of emotional marital abuse after which I was able to reconnect with my teen sons and together, we are all discovering who we are and beginning our lives in healthier environments.
The best thing that happened in 2021 was it was another year of reading books by all my favorite authors.
The best thing of 2021 is that I finally quit my toxic job and I got a new one which I’m really enjoying and my boss is the sweetest. I’m also earning more and learning a lot of things!
The best thing of 2021 for me was my son being born healthy and safely
The best thing for me is family
I got a granddaughter in January of 2021 she is amazing and goes well with her 2 brother’s
An I have to say being blessed at still having my grandma (97) an still going
Thank you Julie for all you do an write
The best thing about 2021 was moving to Colorado Springs (for work)! I love that I get to be close to so many areas that I have been reading about in your books and can’t wait to check them out! I have never lived somewhere SO beautiful and I hope my love for these mountains never diminishes and I hope I never stop looking at them in complete awe.
I feel that way every time I go to the grocery store in Monument! haha. That drive through Black Forest blows my mind every time. I love it!
The best thing for me was our granddaughter being born
I went to a Little River Band concert at a winery. It felt so normal that I couldn’t stop smiling. Great band, wonderful friends, and a little bit of partying.
The best thing about 2021 was getting my family home! My son and his new family was stationed in Washington state (clear across the country from me). They all got to move home to me… plus I got a new granddaughter and a bonus granddaughter from them❤❤❤
Best thing about 2021 was I put up a squirrel feeder in my back yard. Every day I watch the various squirrels, Bluejays, chipmunks, etc eat the various food. The love peanuts. I named a few and love watching their antics.
I’m a big believer in you see what you seek, and I chose to look for the good as much as possible. I’m not naive to the shit show around me, but truly think there is more good than bad, it just doesn’t get the airplay. 2021 had so much good. We had lots of quality family time, my daughter surprised me with a mother/daughter trip to NYC to see a Broadway play on my birthday (Dec 28), I got to celebrate Thanksgiving with the whole family, and we got to enjoy live music again with the return of concerts.
My family and I got Covid and we all survive. At one point we thought we were going to die. We feel like we have a new life and have different perspectives now. So we don’t take life for granted and is blessed so still be here.
The best about 2021 is I still have a job, got to spend more time with family, and my kids are successful in what they do. It’s not been awful this year but I’m looking forward to 2022!
Best thing lockdown eased up and we got to see family instead of through video or telephone
The best thing about 2021- my son got to go back to school! And it was a new school he started- but is loving it! Makes me so happy that he’s happy now. Remote learning really put him into a depression. But he’s back to his happy loving self! (He is 10 and autistic non verbal)
The best thing about 2021 was getting my hysterectomy and now being pain free and feeling so much better.
The best thing about 2021 was becoming more financially stable. And it came at the best time because I was able to help my dad when he needed me the most❤
That my job remained steady and no one in my family got sick
It’s been a tough year. The world has changed
I think the best thing was meeting up with family and friends after lockdown ❤️
The best thing about 2021 was selling the house I bought in 2016. My husband passed in 2013, sold our house in 2014 and moved into an apartment. Then in 2016 I decided apartment life wasn’t for me so bought a house. This year I decided the house was too much for me to keep up with. So sold it and moved into a duplex. Still not quite where I want to be, can’t figure that out quite yet. But from start to finish it took 34 days from listing to closing. I gave each of my three daughters some of the proceeds, two used it towards vehicles needed and the third uses hers as needed. So that’s been the best thing for me this year. Getting out from under what was stressing me out and living quiet til I hopefully can figure out where I want to be. Thank you Julie.
The best thing is it’s almost over. It has been a shitty year for my family. Mom was diagnosed with cancer…again, my health has been crappy. The one good thing was we were able to move near my mom so I can be here for her and she is in remission now.
The best thing about 2021…being able to see family and watch the kids play sports again. It was hard on them not being able to play the sports they love…the joy it brought them was amazing.
The best thing about 2021 is that I went back to work after 20 years of being an at home wife and Mom. It’s only part time but it has lit a fire and made me feel more alive than I have in a long time!
With my husband passing away last year, the best thing this year for me is I think I’m finally getting the hang of not having him around and coming out of my depression. I’ve learned a lot about the house and if I don’t know I feel comfortable asking for help which had been hard for me. I’ve also been doing a lot of organizing and getting rid of things. I hope to continue to do that in 2022.
The best moment in 2021 has to be the family gathering during Easter that I finally got to see everyone after a while due to the pandemic.
The best thing about 2021 is spending it with my mom as she’s my best friend and getting to read so many good books. So much happened this year…some good, some bad. I really hope next year is so much better. Praying for lots of happier, beautiful and fun moments than bad. We all need a bit of a break.
The Best thing about 2021 is my mom is still alive and a part of my life. The doctors told us back in May that she only had a couple of months left. I didn’t think she’d make it to my birthday but she did. I got another Thanksgiving too!! Now I’m praying for one more Christmas. These are all bittersweet victories because I know this is last time she will be here for them.
That’s amazing Sheri. Have a wonderful Christmas.
The best thing about 2021 was how much more we talk to family that is so far away.
Best thing about 2021 was finally getting together with family in a normal setting. It was honestly a blessing and I’m so thankful for it! Now looking forward to more memories on Christmas 🎅
We had a 2 week family vacation this summer (with all the safety, mask and all) and it felt so good after being locked down for several months!
The best thing of 2021, was the birth of my 3rd granddaughter, Nora.
I managed to get a job! It was a temp job, but they’ve extended me for another three months. It is so good to be able to have an external purpose, and earn money again!
Thank you for the chance ❤️
Best thing for me was, I passed all the medical tests I had with flying colors. First time for a mammogram for one!
The best thing is my granddaughter and her husband finally had their wedding reception, a year later. They also are in their new home. They lost everything from Hurricane Laura in 2020. 2021 has been a good year
The best thing about 2021 is my dad finally got to retire. He run himself ragged and after many back surgeries and surgery on his hand elbow and feet he is raising my 3 nephews so after a lot of thought he finally decided to retire from his job
I think the best thing about 2021 has been my kidd getting back to playing sports almost to a normal level. I enjoy watching them and they definitely enjoy playing!
The best thing about 2021 is finally getting to see friends and family that I hadn’t seen in over a year.
Also my nephew started eating solids, crawling, and walking after help with therapy. He is almost 18 months.
Spending time with my youngest and watching grow and discover the world. He’s 3💖
Hmmm, I’ll say it has been my daughter’s success in middle school. I was so worried about her leaving her little elementary school and transitioning to 7th grade at the middle school. But, it has went great! We have always had to push her in everything, she not very self-motivated. There have been some arguments and tears but we have continued to push/encourage her to stick with soccer and make good grades. It has paid off!! She made the middle school soccer team and it has helped her feel a part of something and made the middle school transition almost seamless. Her grades are awesome and I haven’t had to stay on her about that as much either. She had all As 1st quarter. As far as me, I’m a high school teacher, my year has been great too. I was nervous the kids would be crazy coming back to school full time but honestly I haven’t had any major issues. I love my students and they are successful in my class. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to write so much.
The most amazing thing about 2021 was spending time with family again. I love making memories with them to remember for a long time. Life is too short and goes by quickly. I’m definitely looking forward to Christmas with them!
Spending time with my family, and seeing my girls grow and be happy.
The best thing about 2021 was getting to see family that we hadn’t seen for almost 2 years. And, my favorite thing about 2021 was granddaughter getting to plan her wedding and having me officiate.
The best thing about 2021 is that my family was able to get vaccinated. We are all safe, healthy and happy.
The best thing about 2021, I found bookstagram and booktok. I love to read, and so became an arc reader/reviewer a d a beta reader. I get to read some really greasy books before anyone else 💜
Best thing about 2021 was I got a new job! Also getting to see family that I wasn’t able to see.
The best thing about 2021 was the weather.
The best thing for me in 2021 was that we were able to tackle some home improvement projects we had been putting off for a long while.
The best part of 2021 was watching most of the world go through a collective Spring. We as one started to have normalcy return and it is a beautiful thing.
I became a full fledged Bookstagrammer and starting reading ARCs on a regular basis
Best thing of 2021 is that I’ve awakened. I’ve learned so much about life, people who run ‘the world’, the good and the bad, the Holiwood sceene, and so much more. I’ll never look at life the way I did before.
The best thing that happened in 2021 for me was reconnecting with old friends. I got in touch with some old school friends, I’m talking back to 1st and 2nd grade. It was great reconnecting and reminiscing. 😊
The best thing was that I am going to be a grandma for the first time by the end of this month!! So excited!! It’s a little girl and I am already in love with her.
Doing more together as a family, more game nights, movies, etc.
I was able to retire in September. Not having to set the alarm is the best thing ever! I also get to hang out with my 88 year old mother whenever I feel like it.
Moving in with my boyfriend and his kids into a new place together
Wow where to start … best thing about 2021… well we were all healthy for the year but I would say we were lucky not to lose our homes in the wild fires that came in August and now we are going to spend our first Christmas together as a family ( my three sisters ) in 4 years … so bring on 2022. Merry Christmas Julie and I always look forward to your newest release!!’
The best thing about 2021 is that most Covid 19 restrictions were lifted and we have been able to enjoy our children and grandchildren. Happy holidays! Be safe
Best thing this year is I was able to retire at 55.. I can know do what I want when I want..
I was able to visit my 85 year old mom! I haven’t seen her in years and loved every moment of our visit.
Getting to HUG good friends again. I missed that a whole lot. Thanks!
Best thing about 2021 is I had another year with my mom. She is fighting cancer and you realize how each day is a gift and everyday and every memory is special and not not promised.
The best thing about 2021 is having the opportunity to spend more time with my family and serving with my church. Although it has been less than ideal being out of work, I’m so fortunate to have had the time to do things I wouldn’t have done had I been working full time.
The best thing about 2021 was my oldest (who’s 4) starting preschool. Because of his excitement to go everyday and to learn something new. His joy has become my light!
The best thing about 2021 is that I spent more time with my family.
I’ve been fortunate and had a pretty good year in 2021. Our business has been steady. My job finally started again with not as many restrictions and I was able to go work a show in New Mexico. My parents bought a house closer to me, so now the whole family is here. And I survived an appendicitis. 😊
Looking forward to the new year.
My husband and I sold our store after 26 years so we are now officially retired and just enjoying life together and getting projects done around the house. Plus our daughter got married this year.
The best think about 2021 is the time I got to spend with my family. My baby girl started high school, our rescue dog is finally settling in and we are healthy and happy.
I would say the best thing about 2021 was my kids being to get back to work it was a stressful time for them.
The best thing of 2021 for me, was being able to spend more time with my family. I work so much, not that I don’t love my job, but I live paycheck to paycheck and would pick up any overtime available. This year, I didn’t do that. It hurt financially, but our time here on Earth is never promised, so we have to take all the time we can to make memories, let our loved ones know how much they are loved, and have no regrets. ❤️
Hmmmm best things in 2021. We kind of have a list of things that have been good. We paid for our pole barn to be built with Cash! That’s an achievement if you know us. I’ve been able to work from home 2-3 days a week. My daughter was admitted to another college program for adults with intellectual difficulties to get a 2nd para-educator certification and is getting A’s. My husband was promoted to a supervisor at Best Buy. My son will be starting a new job at a Jeep dealership as a mechanic. He’s super excited. My parents have stayed healthy. Oh and my husbands family (mom & step dad and his sisters family) moved from Ca to TX near us. We haven’t had more than my parents near us for almost 20 years. They are keeping us busy. Wishing everyone else a beautiful holiday and hope y’all also had an amazing year!
That’s all awesome, Kimberlee!
The best thing about 2021? That’s a hard question. I think the best thing happened just a few weeks ago ( a few days before Thanksgiving), little Sophie, an 8 month old kitten was left behind by a family who got evicted; I scooped her up and decided right then and there to claim her. Our 14 year old cat Fred was a bit grumpy at first, until he figured out he got extra treats because of her. Yup, typical male.Food always works.
The best part of 2021…more time at home with my family and my books 🙃
The best part of 2021 for me was finally getting to visit 2 friends I haven’t seen in person in 5 years.
Moms lung cancer is going away. (Not gone yet, but getting smaller)
My favorite part of 2021 was moving from Wyoming to South Carolina. I started college for elementary education. I’m absolutely loving life here in the south!
The best part of 2021 was the birth of my niece! She’s my little squishy! I love her so much!
The best thing about 2021 for me was taking an overdue vacation with my husband….we went away for a week and had a blast!!!
The best thing about 2021, was getting to see my parents from Alaska this summer!
My husband and I both had covid and came through it. He and I are in our mid 60’s. I am very grateful for being able to sign up for this. Thank you for your books.
My son has chickens too. He used to let his free range it. But, ever since a hawk got his favorite one ( it used to run to him after work & just sit on his shoulder or lap) he keeps them in the barn. Nothing like fresh brown eggs!
I was going to say the best thing about 2021 was that we were all healthy. Well, my husband and granddaughter came down with covid. Granddaughter is over hers. Hubby is a little slower. His is a mild case but going on a week.
So i have to say the best thing about 2021 is we did a lot of fishing on Lake Erie. We bought a newer boat in the fall of 2020 so it was in storage until this spring. We love it! The walleye were plentiful and we had a lot of great trips.
Best thing about 2021 was being able to visit family!
The best thing about 2021?!? It’s almost over. I had an accident in March that resulted in 3 surgeries, diagnosed with Lupus and fibromyalgia, and so I’m absolutely done with 2021!
The best part of 2021 was meeting Zach Webber when I went to see his group Night Darling perform in California. Not only is he a great narrator and singer but he is also a very sweet guy.
The best thing about 2021 was bringing home our new four-legged kid. We had to help our first two over the rainbow bridge w/i months of each other and it was hard! This new kid is awesome and exhausting at the same time. I keep telling my husband that I don’t remember the other two being this much puppy when we got them…then again that was 14 yrs ago and we weren’t 50!
My 9 year old who has ASD got a shout out at school! That’s like when the principal gives a special mention to kids that had done exceptionally well that day. Now not to say we haven’t had 50 bad days, but this made my mama heart so happy. It’s hard and isolating and no one wants to mention the good with him, only the bad. I’m hanging on to this moment <3
The best thing about 2021 is that my youngest turned 18. Both of my kids are now adults, and I can speak to them as such. I’ve been slowly working toward this anyway. Sort of like “the talk,” you don’t throw it all at them at once, right? Being an adult is hard, but I want to give them more hope than a lot of young people seem to have today. I’ve homeschooled them since birth, so I know they got a solid education academically. They have great friends, and good heads on their shoulders. They don’t drink, and they don’t smoke. Well, my 21-year-old drinks now, but he’s just busy trying different things to see if he likes any of that. His favorite thing is mead, of all things, and now he’s making plans to make his OWN mead at home. LOL That’s a homeschooled kid for you. This morning he ordered $40 worth of honey. Apparently that’s the main ingredient?
For me, the year started out poorly with lots of extended family division and verbal attacks, and I developed panic disorder, but this turned out to be okay. I got a therapist to work through some things. She convinced me to start doing yoga, and I now do that every day for my mind and body. I love it. I have severe fibromyalgia and five other chronic conditions, and it’s helping everything a tiny bit. I always thought exercise would hurt, but I do chair yoga for seniors. 🙂 I didn’t know that was a thing. My daughter found it for me. I also now do floor yoga occasionally to stretch myself a little farther. I can’t do standing yoga because I have a paralyzed foot, and I fall over. Plop. 2021 was good, but I expect 2022 will be a little better even.
The best thing about 2021 is my Bestie retired after 21 years and now her and I can spend more times together and more mini vacations for author events. This year (2021) we bought tickets to ALLURE in Chicago. We’ve never been so we are super excited. We will also be attending Love and Devotion in San Diego in Feb and Love N Vegas in Oct. 2022 is going to be EPIC. 💕
Thanks for the chance.
2021 was a year of normalcy for us. It’s great spending time with family and friends.
I discovered JA Huss books, asshole neighbors moved out. Great new neighbors moved in and we became fast friends. Finally bought a horse. My husband is coming home (just for Christmas).
The best thing about 2021 were my friends abd book friends online helping me stay sane
The best thing about 2021 for me was that it helped me prioritize my life. I am becoming more out spoken about the things that are most important to me.
I have enjoyed time with my daughter as she grows into herself more every day.
Hmmm, the best thing about 2021 is that all of my family are healthy and happy. Love your pics!! Thanks for all that you do!!
I am happy that my husband and I were able to pay off our house years earlier than expected. It has freed us up to be able to start traveling and taking bike trips on our Harley like we have been talking about for years.
Best thing of 2021…….My husband kicked cancer’s ass!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Best thing about 2021 is that a little sense of normalcy is returning. For myself and my kids.
Best thing about 2021 was discovering Kindle unlimited and the escapism it offers!! 🤓📚
2021 has been a rollercoaster of feelings. The best thing was the travel. Seeing family and friends and places I’ve never been.
The best thing of 2021 was getting my grandson who is 4 and Autistic into a school. Slowly but surely we are helping him.
Thank you
Best thing about 2021 is we moved to another state and we are loving it
The best thing about 2021 is that my daughter started kinder at a dual immersion school. She’s learning Spanish and it warms my heart when she randomly replies to me in Spanish.
My youngest son got into the education program and is one year away from becoming a teacher! his dream is close 🙂
The best thing about 2021 is it is almost over. This has been an extremely difficult year for me and my family. I hate to be a downer😔
Best thing about 2021 is we bought our first house
The best thing about 2021 was getting back to a bit of normalcy. Kids are back in school full time and mental health is better.
We dedicated most of our summer to outdoor projects, completing several. The biggest and best was our deck made of composite lumber. It had been delayed for 4 years! It looks great and we are looking forward to spending time on it next summer.
Best part was getting to see my family again for Thanksgiving since more of us felt much more comfortable this year!!! ♥️
The best thing about 2021 is that my brother-in-law survived Covid. This may not seem like a huge thing, but he has chemo-resistant leukemia and has been going through immunotherapy since he has zero immunity to anything. He has to get blood and plasma transfusions every other day (which means his blood type is in constant flux) and had a septic infection almost immediately after being admitted to the hospital. The fact that he has survived all of that, not just this year but in the past month and a half, is nothing short of miraculous!
The best thing about 2021 was the extra time I got with my son before he started kindy this year 😊
Love this series! The best thing of 2021 was another year with my elderly furbaby Cassie♥️
The best thing about 2021 is that I am still breathing, talking and walking .. after 3 Medic trips, lights and sirens, to the hospital 50 miles away they finally got me into heart cath lab and found 4 new blockages that they could fix with stents. Not easy to get in to hospital due to understaffing and whatever else happens. Thank the Lord!
2021 was a normalish year for me! 2022 will be busy planning for a wedding. so I am enjoying the calm before the storm 😌
The best thing in 2021 was FINALLY finding out I passed a certification test for work and getting promoted! The particular version I took was a “field test” of the test so it was free and I’d get certified if I passed, but they’d shred the records if I didn’t. That process was looong so it took until September to find out from a test I took in summer 2020. I should get my first paycheck with the raise next week!
Best thing about 2021 let see I hit 30 yrs working for my job. My granddaughter turned 4 and she is wanting to send more time with me. I retired my dog from doing therapy work even though he loved see the kids in pediatric I am going to use that time now to spend with my granddaughter. And listening to the new books you put out on audio. Thank you for always making smile.
Getting our new GSD puppy! He’s now 9 months 😍
Best thing about 2021 is that I’ve read over 600 books!!!
Despite all the crazy that is the past almost 2 years, there have been a few great things! First, my daughter and her new husband moved back to the mainland. Instead of 12 hours on a plane to see her, it’s now only an 8-hour drive! Also, my oldest son worked his tail off and turned in his Eagle Scout application and paperwork with just 2 days to spare! I am so proud of him!
I’m honestly blessed. I have a good job, I’m financially stable, and my family is healthy.
Finally getting to spend sometime with my mom and family that we had to be apart from in 2020
The best thing about my year was travelling! I had friends & my sister come to me for some much needed beach time! Over the summer we took 3 wks to travel north & see family that I haven’t seen since Xmas of 2019! It was so good to see my mama! And my brother & sisters of course!
Both my littles got to go back to in person learning at school & that has been amazing!
And my husband & I just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary so all & all it’s been a good year!
The best thing about 2021 is that I retired.
The best thing about 2021 was watching my kids go off to college. I miss them like crazy everyday but knowing I did something right in this world with these two is the most amazing feeling a parent could ever have!!
I spent 2021 taking my life back. It started in 2020 with a double mastectomy and bariatric surgery. But 2021 I sold my house and moved into a beautiful apartment, got a new job, started working out and I even bought a ski pass. Who knows maybe 2022 I will even start dating again! Lol
Hi! Although this year and last year has been challenging with everything going on in the world, I can say the best thing is that my children were able to return to in person learning and are healthy and thriving.
Hi! Although this year and last year has been challenging with everything going on in the world, I can say the best thing is that my children were able to return to in person learning and are healthy and thriving. Thank you for the chance and Merry Christmas!
The best thing about 2021 for me was finding out I’m going to be a Grandma…. at 41! Lol but hey she 24 and she is happy!
I got to take some time off and finally vacation with my family and spend some quality time with them.
2021 has been a rough year. My Mother-in-Law had gotten sick and ended up in a nursing home. It was a shock and she was not ever the same. She passed away a few days ago. We will greatly miss her.
The only highlight was being able to have Thanksgiving with my mom and family. I missed everyone was glad to hang out and talk like old times.
The best thing of 2021 is that I was able to see family that I had not been able to see due to COVID. The pandemic has been hard on those of us who live by ourselves. Being able to see more people socially had been a lifesaver. JA Huss was a lifesaver when I was kept away from everyone else.
I got to attend three weddings!!
The best thing about 2021 for me is that I have finally started a business!! Yay!! I have been crocheting since I was 10 and I always just gifted or donated my items. But I crochet everyday and they are now really piling up and I have gotten more skilled over 32 years, so I wanted to bring some money into the house… So I bit the bullet and opened an Etsy shop! I have anxiety, so this was a big leap for me! I feel great though and only have high hopes!
The best thing about 2021 was the 2 week long roadtrip my 13 year old daughter and twin 16 year old nephews took at the end of August. Just to drive from Minnesota to the pacific ocean in washington state and back again was too amazing to describe with words 🙂
After pandemic related delays my daughter finally got married in July. The wedding was fabulous with close family and friends. She looked absolutely beautiful! It was an amazing weekend and just what we all needed to fill our hearts.
The best thing about 2021 was getting a granddaughter in April, a oops baby since antibiotics failed birth control, parents are 40 and their youngest is turned 16 in August, she is so very loved and a very happy baby, thank you for the opportunity, Dana
The best thing of 2021 was discovering I like Camping. We got a new tent and we’re able to go a few times this summer. I can’t wait to go again next year
The best thing about this year is finalizing my divorce!
The best thing about 2021 was spending an amazing week with my family in Austria and meeting my relatives and friend more times after 2020.
The best thing about 2021 was reconnecting with my sister and going on vacation with my son. I love that things are starting to get back to normal some what.
I to enjoy my bird feeders! I’ve had a male and female pileated woodpeckers visit several times. It makes me happy to just sit and all the birds!!
I was able to go on a cruise to Mexico with my teen son & 8 wonderful friends. It was relaxing & adventures. Losing a few close friends suddenly this year has reminded me we need to live everyday to the fullest
The best thing about 2021 is that my brother that lives out of states comes in more often to visit this year !
The best thing about 2021 is that it’s almost over. It has been a crazy year more downs than ups. Hope 2022 is a much better year.
The best thing about 2021 is that I decided to go back to college for an accounting degree, it’s tough going but determined not to give up
The best thing about 2021 was that I got to visit my family and home state for the first time in 3 years! It was so nice catching up with everyone and spending time around my loved ones. It was also kinda weird seeing how much my hometown and state has changed in that time. Hopefully I won’t have to wait another 3 years to see them again.
I hope y’all have an amazing Christmas and a very happy New Year!
I fell 20 years ago which resulted in a lot of pain and difficulty in movement in my neck, upper back, shoulders, and lower back. So far I’ve had six spinal fusion surgeries, multiple procedures and injections, and have worked with several physical therapists. All of this has left me with a lot of pain, physical limitations, anxiety and depression. This past year I once again started working with a physical therapist. I wasn’t very hopeful because most don’t take into consideration where I’m starting at (my very low level of life), but this physical therapist was amazing! She took into consideration all of my conditions, pain, anxiety, everything. She used techniques that were new to me (like suction cups) that were life changers! She helped develop a pool routine. My balance is very poor and in water I can’t fall and get hurt. I could go on and on about how wonderful she is. She asked me for a goal to work towards and I told her I wanted to go on a 25th anniversary trip with my husband, but I had not been out to do anything fun in a very long time so wasn’t too sure it was achievable, but working with her on balance, relieving pain and building stamina and strength I WENT ON MY 25TH ANNIVERSARY TRIP WITH MY HUSBAND! We were thrilled. Now I’m continuing the work to see what we can accomplish this coming year. Once again I’m filled with happiness and hope!
I think the best thing of 2021 for was that I got a promotion at work and a raise! I’ve been there for over three years and they are finally see all I do and how much of an effort I put in!
The best thing about this year is that we were able to get out every day to walk our local trails!
The best thing about 2021 is that life gradually started to come back. Is 2020 closed we had great hope the 2021. It started slow, but the world was starting to recover. We found so many ways to do things differently and some were a great thing like, more jobs became available to do from home. But as we close this year we are starting to get back to normal. It might be a new normal but life is back.
The best thing about 2021 is getting another niece! Babies always are the best heart warmer
The best thing if 2021 for me is life. I was diagnosed with Advanced stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer that spread to my liver in September of 2020. Did 6 months of treatment’s chemotherapy/ radiation. They said sorry cancer is spreading rapidly you have 6 months or so to live go home and get your life in order. Devastated beyond belief. My husband called every cancer facility in the United States told them about my situation and my cancer. Believe it or not they all called him back. Some couldn’t help us but they all said who could. So now I am in a trail treatment in Pittsburgh. And from my last CT scan the treatment is shrinking my Tumors. Even though we have to travel every 20 day’s to Pittsburgh for my treatment for 5 days it’s worth it. There is no cure for my cancer but the treatment is keeping it from growing and I get to wake up another day. Blessed in 2021
The best thing about 2021 for me has been getting vaccinated and feeling a little more secure about going in stores (still masked.) My dogs are healthy and funny and life is pretty good. ❤️
We had just dropped my oldest at college, 2 1/2 weeks ago at a school 2 states away and my son was thriving. We, then got the dreaded phone call, that he had broken his dominant wrist in 3 places and needed emergency surgery to put in plates and screws. It was a stressful time for my son and us as parents hoping he would be able to stay in college. But the best part of 2021, is that my son dug deep and with the help of amazing friends, it showed him and us what an amazing kid he is and that he can overcome any obstacle!
Best thing of 2021 is spending more time with Family. COVID is no fun.
The best thing about 2021? Its had its up and downs. Lost my dad and grandmother this summer, but I now appreciate how much my family and friends care about me. 2/3 kids in college, but talk weekly if not daily most of the time. mom retired, so i get to spend extra tiem with her. Moved my niece in with her, saved from a bad other side of the family situattion. lots to be thankful for…
Te best thing for me was that I am now cancer free! And we were finally able to get together for Thanksgiving!
The best thing about 2021 for my family is that we finally got in our forever home where our children can build their memories and live out the rest of their childhood.
The best part of 2021 for me was finishing my first year of teaching in a Pandemic year. Being a first year teacher during a regular year is hard but being a first year teacher during a global pandemic is harder. I survived it and thrived. I will not lie and say we teachers are not having a rough time but I will say if we survive all this we can survive anything. I think that’s the best part of all. Everyone looks at the negative but let’s be honest if you can survive the struggles now you can survive anything in the future. I love being a teacher. I love trying to influence young people’s lives.
My hubby lost his job this year, and initially that freaked me out really bad, wondering what we were going to do, but he was home for two months while he looked for another job, and it was honestly the absolute best! We’ve been married for 21 years and it’s the first time he got to go to lunch with me in the middle of the day. We completed a bunch of honey-do projects in the house that he was just too tired to accomplish on the weekends. We talked SO much and realigned our vision of what “retirement” looks like in the future. Even though I was scared of what our financial situation looked like, having him home was much needed as a reset for us.
My husband and I along with our 5 year old daughter and 8 year old shih tzu moved into another townhome in August 2021. I think we got to move in September 1st 2021. Our health has been good and none of us got Covid but my parents and one of my sisters did, but they all recovered from it.
I have a son who is autistic and the best thing of 2021 was watching him walk across the stage and recieve his high school diploma after so many saying he wouldn’t be able to. Now he’s a freshman in college preparing for his first semester finals. He makes everything worth it.
The best thing about 2021 for me was taking a family trip to Tennessee to celebrate my 50th birthday at a cabin in the mountains. We has a great week long trip. It was my husband and I, 7 of our 8 children, and my 4 year old grandson. We walked the treetops at Anakeesta, which was a huge deal for me because I am terrified of heights. We made terrific memories.
The best thing about 2021 was finishing my first year of teaching in a global pandemic! I signed a new contract and I am on my way!
Family lots of people visiting and I got to visit. The best was my Dads 95th bday up in NJ. Everyone there sleeping under one roof. Jusy no stopping. 10 days straight
I guess that we made it through. The year started horribly, horribly wrong when my brother in law was murdered at his home….and due to COVID, we are not sure when the trial will begin….but…we are surviving every day…thank you for the opportunity.
Me finishing up my romance novella. I can’t wait to make its debut next year ❤
the best thing about 2021 is because of the pandemic i got to spend quality time with my immediate family
I got a lot of decluttering done and I also tested tons of recipes.
The best thing about 2021 is my son & his wife celebrated their first anniversary ( they got married a few days before the pandemic really kicked in ) . They are so happy which in turn makes me so very happy. ❤️
2021 has been a pretty tough year for me. The best part was probably finally getting insurance- I hadn’t had any since my divorce almost three years ago.
Because I have some health issues and need some additional tests done that have been put off due to not being insured it’s a blessing to have finally gotten insurance two months ago!
Best part of 2021, we were able to take a trip to Disney World in May and then in June we adopted a dog after losing our old dog in 2020.
This year my husband and I are finally semi-retired. We have had our own business for over 25 years and are keeping a retail store but no more doing jobs for customers. I love it and though it took a while for him to get used to the lack of routine he’s getting into it. It is amazing though how many things you can find to work on around your own home when you have time.
The best part of 2021 was traveling again. My significant other and I traveled to Spain for an amazing 10-day vacation! I also traveled to San Diego twice to see my children who moved out there during stay at home orders. Hoping to continue this trend in 2022
The best thing this year was my husbands doctor told us that he has another year maybe two before he needs a heart transplant
The best thing in 2021 was I retired
The best thing about 2021 for me was being able to get back together with family and friends. Being able to work from home to stay safe and healthy was another good thing about 2021. Thanks for the chance.
I got my reading mojo back!
The best thing that happened this year was at Thanksgiving – I saw my family that I hadn’t seen in the last few years because of Covid.
The best thing about 2021 is that I started a new job as a substitute teachers aide. Thanks for the chance ❤️
The best thing of 2021 is that my hubby’s health is better, we went back to in-person learning, I acquired a new nephew, and I maintained most of the weight I loss LOL.
The best thing about 2021 was all the wonderful new books that came out. Also getting together with friends and family.
The best thing about 2021 is that its almost over and my family is intact
The best thing about 2021 is that I rejoined the work force after a couple years of family trauma kept me away
The best thing about 2021 for me was discovering BookTok and so many other reader friends around the world. Has definitely made bearing this pandemic more fun, and my TBR is out of control!
The best thing about 2021 is my son and daughter in love after a struggle for out they are going to have a baby!
My youngest son graduated High School and started college.
2021 has been a rough year for our motorcycle family. We have lost a few good men due to accidents. I have quit shopping in stores due to covid (If you can’t buy it online I guess you don’t need it). I learned how to can different vegetables and fruits that I hadn’t canned before. When you stay house bound you learn what you need and what you don’t.
So the best thing that happened to me this year I thought would have been that we bought a townhouse but then my husband got Covid ended up in the hospital on the ventilator for over 2 weeks in the hospital for over a month total but he made it and is recovering ❤️🩹
Ok, so we can’t say 2021 was the worst (we lost my mom and my father in law), so I would say that I started cooking more (my husband usually does it) and we sat down for dinner as a family pretty much every night. So that was really great!
So the best thing about 2021 for me was getting a job remote work from home! I’m super incredibly thankful becuz I was struggling financially & was unemployment at the moment. This job helped get my feet back up!
The best thing about 2021 for me is that my dad survived his heart attack.
The best thing about 2021? For my family it was normalcy. My boy’s went to college in person not online. We went out to dinner for the first time in over 16 months. It was seeing my kids strew over school assignments and what them succeed. Going to movie in person. My son who is now 22 is a type 1 diabetic diagnosed at age 11 and I have MS for my family normal is everything and we thrived.
Love this giveaway! The best thing about 2021 is going in debt to purchase our home!! We are first time home buyers! It took a lot of work to get in the place we could purchase. I am so proud of us! Thanks for the chance!
Best thing was seeing my family more.
The best thing about 2021 has been discovering new opportunities and embracing change even if it is scary sometimes.
Best thing about 2021 is having more family time and having my kids back into sports. They missed sports and group activities so much in 2020.
Best thing to happen in 2021 was covid restrictions being lifted and being able to see family again and go to hockey games with my husband again. Also finding your books and starting to read them. I love reading and am always looking for new authors. So glad I found you and your books!!
Best things about 2021 – A new puppy and Audible!! This brings my doodle count to 3,(Mildred, Louise, and Agnes) and my Audible books read for the year total to 204.
I’m not going to lie – 2021 has been like the worse year ever for us. It kicked our ass! BUT the best thing about this year is growth, overcoming issues we’ve had since childhood, and learning how to trust that everything always works out for us. We’re still working on overcoming past trauma and it’s tough. But once you hit rock bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up, right? We’ll get through this and will come out stronger, wiser, and with much clarity than ever before. Cheers! 🥂
Best thing about 2021 was that my family, my father and my brother and his family (kids and grandchildren) all went on vacation together. Something that we hadn’t done for a number of years. We had such a great time and made many happy memories.
I got my bathroom faucet replaced (old one was dripping) and next week I get the kitchen faucet replaced (bare trickly of water comes out of it). You don’t appreciate fully running water until you don’t have it!
Vacation with our dearest friends!
My granddaughter finally had her wedding reception. They canceled it because of Hurricane Laura in 2020. They lost everything. They just moved into their new home. Finally. It been a good y
See even the birds love you. I don’t know much about birds but I really like to watch them. Their colors truly amaze me. Most you can’t really describe because to say it’s black is not really what you see. It black with blue and shiny purple all mixed it. Just so indescribably beautiful
The best thing about 2021 for me was moving and getting closer to my girls again. I am much healthier and being more active again. I have also reconnected with some friends and am enjoying time with them too.
My husband came through triple bypass open heart surgery with flying colors. He is a stronger, happier and healthier person. Our relationship has re-blossomed and we are growing happier with each other every day.
Hi! The best thing about 2021 for me has been taking control of my physical health! 2020 was the worst, I gained close to 50 lbs being on bed rest with a broken foot. I wasn’t doing the greatest physically or mentally at the start of 2021, but after being medically cleared for my foot fracture I was able to start hiking and exercising again, and become a better mother to my 4 year old after a rough year! Currently 5 lbs aeay from my goal weight, and feeling so much better than I was at this time last year! Bully King and Ruling Class are two of my favorite books!
I think the very best part of my 2021 was moving to a new home.( We loved our old home, but our neighbors were beyond anything I can ever think to describe). So we moved, it was a few months of not knowing where to go because with the pandemic and people not moving and everyone selling there homes. We couldn’t find anything and I looked in a lot of places I wouldn’t have ever felt safe. So we ended up in a hotel for two months. Even with staying at a hotel with two children under ten. An having to all be in one room basically I felt more safe and secure than I did in our old home. So finally after two months of that we got our home. Alot bigger, and I didn’t have to settle. Which is not my usual m.o. I did have to leave behind my bulbs and flowers I’ve planted over the years so I know what you mean by being excited to see them come up every spring. Anyways I decided it’s all okay as long as my children and I are safe and happy. We can build new flower beds. So I don’t know if it was me turning thirty last year or the whole pandemic as a whole. It gave me alot of time to just reflect and it gave me a whole new outlook on life. I used to care so much about my looks and weight and how other people saw me, I never cared and ignored my feelings deep inside. Even though my stomach was always growling and I had extreme anxiety and depression I put my own self needs and wants on the back burner to put on a fake show for the rest of the world. People who would never give me the slightest of second thought I cared more about than myself. So another thing with 2021 was me digging deep inside my soul and pulling out my best self. I started wearing comfy clothes gained some weight lol because I finally gave into my wants. I finally understand what it’s like to live your best life. I could care less about anyone else options of me, now! As long as I’m the happiest version I can be. My 8year old daughter even said recently, how much she loves seeing me happier. To say I cried is an understatement. Lol then had to have a huge long drawn out talk with her that I never got to hear when I was young. To always live your best life. Never do anything for people who wouldnt do the same exact for you. As long as your being healthy and safe then it’s okay to gain a little weight. Anyways I’m blabbering to much now. I appreciate the stories about your life. I also love that you read all of our comments. Makes me feel like you do love your fans.
2021 was a big year for me, and I’ll always remember this feeling of gratitude that I didn’t live my whole entire life like many others have. With lots of regrets and issues about wasting the years. I’m glad I figured it out for me.
Happy holidays and thanks for allowing me an outlet to unload all of my personal growth over 2021. Lots of other great and wonderful things happened over the year but not as big. Lol in my opinion. Fuck now I’m gonna stop crying like a little baby. Lol
Spending time with my grandson has been the best part of 2021. He turned two in May and getting to be part of his growth and teaching him, watching his personality grow, has been the best gift I can imagine. I’m blessed beyond belief.
I became a first time cat mom!
The best thing about this year for me was getting my garden done. I have been wanting one for years but my husband didn’t want to tear up the sod to plant one. (We built our house 8 years ago and he didn’t want to mess up the yard he has worked hard on). But we did and we had more cucumbers than I could have ever imagined. So now I have about 50 jars of homemade pickles in my basement. But it was so much fun making them! We also ate more zucchini bread than I ever thought possible. I never knew two plants could produce so many veggies! Can’t wait until next year!!
The best thing about 2021 for me was going to the Grand Canyon and sharing the experience with my family. This one has been on my bucket list and now it’s all checked off. We had a beautiful day there and got some quality time.
The best thing about 2021 was working from home, my family being healthy and talking with my best friend.
My son got engaged a few months ago. 💍 Now they’re expecting my 1st grandchild! So excited! 😊 Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
Best thing about 2021 was being able to go out again. I started a water aerobics class at the community pool outside in the fresh air with other people.
The best thing of 2021 was getting to go to the Indies Invade Philly book signing. My mom went with me and we had a great trip during all kinds of tourist things.
The best thing about 2021 was being able to continue working from home. I’ve saved a ton not having to drive to work and not having to deal with the stress of traffic. It also allowed me to listen to your audio books while working. Yay!
Nothing good happened to me this year. I had a stroke in Jan 2021. I’ve just been concentrated on getting better. I also had surgery last year, on my foot. They took 4 toes from my right foot
2021 I can’t even think beyond the last few months when I was diagnosed, it’s been a whirlwind of surgeries and treatments. So I guess the best thing is I am still here.
Happy December 4th Julie. I think the best thing about 2021 was finally being able to get vaccinated and start the road back to normalcy..
The best thing about 2021 is all the family time. I visit cousins in Washington, they visited me in California and we went to my to my daughter’s in Texas together to see my grandkids. I did a road trip to Vegas for 2 weeks with my parents.
This year has been very hard. My father had terminal lung cancer and ended up getting Covid on top of it. He passed away this past Monday and it has destroyed my world. The only thing I can be grateful for is we were told he had 6 months and he survived 9. He even had a good day on Thanksgiving so we were able to enjoy time together. For that I am thankful.
the best thing about 2021 was spending more time home with my family. enjoying the little things!
The best thing in 2021 has been finding out that I’m autistic. I’m 36. We knew I had undiagnosed adhd when I was a kid but it wasn’t well known back then and I was told I’d grow out of it. Spoiler alert – I didn’t 😂
I dont have official diagnoses yet but I’m waiting on them. My psychiatrist set the ball rolling last January. A lot of older people, especially women, are being diagnosed right now. We mask so well (unintentionally) and that’s why we get missed. Symptoms for us don’t fit the stereotypes of boys and men. Research is catching up now so I’m hopeful for girls growing up today.
I related so much to Ford and didn’t know why lol. Asperger’s isn’t officially diagnosed anymore, autism is now the umbrella term, but it is why I was missed. I didn’t have developmental delays and was super smart so I was treated differently. (Not Ford level smart though, obviously 😂). A lifetime of chronic illness and medication has definitely made a large chunk of my brain smooth 😂
I was 11 when I developed fibromyalgia (I’m interested in research possibly linking the two conditions as co-morbidities) and have picked up a laundry list of various conditions over the years. I’ve been extremely unhappy for most of my life.
Autism isn’t a disease or a disorder (despite its name. It’s complicated), it’s just a different neurotype and it’s not a bad thing! It makes life harder but if I hadn’t have been missed my life would’ve been very different. I’m just happy to finally know now. Autistic people are amazing and I love finally fitting in, instead of feeling like an alien!
My whole life just makes sense now. I started therapy this year too and my counsellor has been great. I’m working through a lot of trauma but I’m hopeful for the first time now!
My relationship with my daughter was hanging on by a thread after 2020. We were mostly alone throughout it, so it was rough for both of us. I’ve worked really hard on myself and on our relationship this year. Things are starting to get much better now. She’s 10 in January!
Here’s to hoping 2022 is better for us all 🤞🏻💗
The best thing to happen in 2021 for me was finally being able to get a place after losing our home in a fire back in Oct 2020. We lived in a hotel for 5 months till we were able to get something. The other thing good to happen is I’m in college working towards hopefully making a better life for me and our family. It is hard juggling school full time and working full time but I know in the end it will all be worth the many sacrifices I have had to make this year.
The best thing about 2021, was the arrival of our second grandson, Leeland Sparrow. He is our second little carrot top. So precious.
time with family
The best thing for me was in 2021 was becoming healthier. I changed the way I eat, started exercising and lost 35 pounds. My husband and I started mountain biking together which is a fun way for us to spend time together.
2021 was the year my daughter and I celebrated a decade into her recovery from hard drugs. We had made a pact when she started her journey to recovery not to celebrate until she reached a decade, a goal she set. She said if she could make it to ten years she knew she had the inner strength to keep going. This child is my heart.
The best thing about 2021 was traveling in our camper and meeting some great people.
This is hard because like so many people, life hasn’t been easy. Plus I’m a pessimist. But maybe the best part is finally accepting that my kids are growing up. My oldest graduated high school and my other 2 will next June. My middle kid started his first job today, so I’ll find out in a little how it went. So I was really overdue for the my kids are adults reality check. But I still can’t bear to think when they move away for college. Oldest is going to a college closer to home and then transferring his credits after 2 years, so I haven’t had to cross that hurdle yet. But middle wants to go to a school a few hours away, so I’ll be crying a lot when that happens. But until then I’ll enjoy having all 3 under my roof for now.
The best thing about 2021 was me getting married! I had the most magical day with the most magical people. Very small and intimate. We were surrounded by love and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m also grateful for my exposure to audible! I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder, finding these amazing books have helped me get out of my head and into some amazing characters! I’m grateful that many of them happen to be from your brilliant mind! May we all be blessed in the coming year!
For my husband and I, we were able to go the the beach in Florida so my husband could swim in the ocean. He stepped foot in the ocean for the first time on our 18th wedding anniversary. We were supposed to take a cruise. As we all know that due to Covid restrictions we were not able to make that happen. He was also able to enjoy Margaritaville for the first time. We had such an amazing week in April.
The best thing of 2021 was that we bought a house! We had lived in a Mobile Home for 25 years. Now we’re actually homeowners!!
Best thing about 2021 was getting sober. I’m now 8 months alcohol free and feel great
The best thing about 2021 was getting a new mattress. My body feels so much better after upgrading my mattress.
The best thing for 2021 for me was making the decision to further my education AND actually start classes to do so. I have a Bachelors Degree, but it doesn’t get me a lot in the way of job opportunities. So now I am learning a new trade. God speed and good wishes to everyone on their journey ❤
The best thing that happened in 2021 was the news that my son and daughter-in-law were having another child. There will be almost 10 1/2 years between them and we are so excited! Baby girl Harper Lee will here in less than two months. 💕
Finally being able to travel and see family.
The best thing this year was that I got to see my family! After just being with my mom in quarantine, I got to see my aunt, her husband, my cousin that’s like a sister, her husband & my other cousin! Thanks for the chance!
2021 continued to be a really strong year in gardening, extending my seasonal job from 3/2020 to 1/2022! Extra earnings at a time when I really need them!!
The best thing about 2021 is everything is almost back to normal (yeah!). The year is coming to a close and hopefully 2022 will be a great year.
The best thing that happened in 2021 is my son finally able to get a good job. Something he can learn and make money doing. So happy for him. Thank you
The best part of 2021 is that my husband got a job closer to our house! Now my kids and I can visit him on lunch breaks when we have off from school/work and he doesn’t have to travel an hour each day to work!
The best thing about 2021 is that I’m still breathing along with others and surviving this pandemic that needs to end so all of us can get back to some kind of normal. ❤️❤️❤️
The best thing about 2021 was meeting great people as we traveled in our camper.
The best thing that happened in 2021 is that I finally decided to focus on myself, do what I want and not care what others think. This is one of the things that I have never done. I have always worried about others making sure they are taking care of and I finally said what about me I’m almost 50 and it’s time for me. I still worry about others & want to take of them but I’m putting me first.
I finally decided to put my mental and physical health first ! By quitting a very toxic work place, I feel much better about life even if I’m not full time employed, so yeah 2021 was pretty good !
The best thing about 2021 was being brave enough to go out and get a new job! After over a decade in the same one that I was beginning to hate, it was definitely time to make a change! Xx
The best thing about 2021 was we adopted our sweet dog from a rescue group.
Things have picked up at work. More hours, more money. I’m back to financial stability. I love not being so stressed about it.
The best thing(s) about 2021, was that I finally received a signed Waiver from a bitter widow in time for my husband and I to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary in Las Vegas!
Sky diving! I feel like the older I get, the less chance I have of it actually happening.
The best thing about 2021 for me was having the time to strengthen the bond between my husband and myself. We’ve been married for 12 years and we have a stronger bond now than we have had for the entire 18 years we’ve been together.
The best thing was my daughter getting her first home. She saved so hard over the past few years to get a deposit and she did it. I’m so proud of her.
Good luck with the chickens. So many animals xx
My family all getting their vaccines and been able to eat out. My daughter started college.
The best thing about 2921 was spending time with my twin grand babies.
I actually can’t get into details, but because of an incident I’m waiting on surgery for my shoulder and have gotten into resin making. I’m working on getting a business up and going…
This has been a hard year for us. I lost my best friend of 30 years this year. I am usually a positive person but this has been really hard. The best thing about this year I guess has been watching my kids grow into adults. My son started his first year of college and my daughter got her first part time job. So yeah definitely my kids have been the best things in my year.
The best thing about 2021? Is that even though we all have had some bad in the year we have been able to find good too! That is important! I’m glad I only had one surgery this year. And after 22years in our house, I finally got my walk-in closet😁😉! Even though my husband and I have underlying health conditions, the vaccine has kept us healthy and that is one of the best things I think about 2021! I hope your flowers are beautiful when they bloom and I hope you enjoy your 8 chickens (although we all know you will have more 🙂 ). Eat some fresh eggs for me, nothing better! You and my brother would have gotten along very well as he loved birds and knew the name of just about every bird by description, God rest his soul. Merry Christmas!
Getting to watch our oldest granddaughter play volleyball in person. She’s been on varsity since she was a freshman. Can’t believe she’s a senior. Got to also watch grandsons play baseball. Thankful we have all stayed healthy.
I need to start by saying (and I’m not kissing ass here) that I really love all your graphics, especially your changing graphic/gif showing today’s giveaway. I love just looking around in here. These books are new to me and they are so pretty and the audible sounds so sexy!
So, to my 2021…the good stuff.
1.Well. I joined the Shrike group and started on a mission to read all of your books. You absolutely have me hooked in the best way!
2.My daughter recovered from Covid with no lingering effects. The rest of my family has stayed healthy. Huge thing to be grateful for!
3.My husband and I were able to resume some travel. We traveled to Savannah and Atlanta and the to Boston for a red carpet movie premiere. It felt so good to resume our favorite thing to do.
4.My best friend recovered from a major cancer surgery and I was able to stay with her and witness what a bad-ass chick she is. We have been friends for over 30 years and I have never loved and admired her more.
5.I’m so excited for the holidays. This year I put up all of my decorations (last year, not so much) and I get excited plugging everything in at dusk everyday. I love that the whole family can be together again.
Thanks for sharing about your year. We will definitely need some pics of all your bulbs blooming. I love your bird pictures. I googled photos of North American Shrikes to check if I’ve ever seen one and I haven’t. We have lots of bird feeders out and I love watching them too.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, and I lope your 2022 is even better than this year was. ❤️❤️
Love your pictures. I was given a bird cam for Xmas last year. Set it up where I feed crows on the ground. So many cool and funny pictures of birds peaking at the camera. The one that really took us by surprise was a squirl standing up and flashing his pennis. I think he really liked those peanuts! Best thing this year though is my daughter (who is far away at college) suggested we game together and it has been a blast leveling characters together.
I retired last month so that is the best of 2021. I loved the job as a nurse, all but the shitty provider who was so toxic! Caring for our country’s veterans was the very best.
The best thing about 2021 is that I got to remain working from home. Also I’ve been very lucky to not have lost any close relatives or friends. We’ve been very blessed!!💖
Becoming an auntie to not just one but two little nieces 💚
All the stuff we’ve done together as a family! Thank you for the chance and, happy holidays! <3
The best thing about 2021 was that my Mom got to go out in August and visit with my Brother and his wife in Utah for 2 weeks and relax and do nothing but be spoiled. This was good because my Dad actually passed on January 6th this year, and before that she had the stress of trying to care for him as his health declined. After he passed, we were both caught up in all the things you have to do to take care of all the after details.
I went to comic con with my sister and got to meet Daniel Gillies and Dominic Purcell. Happy
Oh Julie, I wish I could say 2021 was filled with goodness but it’s honestly probably been the worst year of my life. My dad had a major stroke in March and then passed away in September. It’s been hard as he was a healthy active guy. The bright side is we got my daughter an IEP for her reading disability in May and she’s been meeting with a reading specialist 5 days a week. Little girl has raised her reading level from a D to a H in 3 months! This is amazing progress and we couldn’t be more proud of her. Dyslexia sucks.
Today is my grandson’s 21st birthday, but the best thing about 2021 was my family survived it, hoping for better in 22
My father overcame mini stroke, and 2 surgeries. Myself, my husband and both children overcome covid, my husband already suffers from asthma and had to receive treatment at the hospital but we all got through. I quit smoking early on in the year and have notice an improvement in how I feel physically on a daily basis. My children are happy and healthy.
The best thing about 2021 was that I was able to lose 21 kg of weight. It was a challenge but I am so proud of myself.
The best thing about 2021 was on November 30 my husband was told he is cancer free
Best thing about 2021 is I reconnected with old friends, including my best friend from high school.
I finally got a promotion that I’ve been waiting for. Smaller office and less stressful. Truly blessed.
The best thing about 2020 was that I retired after 27 years of teaching. The last year was really hard with the pandemic. But now I just get to sit and relax and not have to worry about teenagers or their parents! And I got to read all the Rook and Ronin books and the Company books and so I am really happy!
Oops I meant 2021!
I was able to attend my cousins wedding in August. ❤️
Best thing that happened to me in 2021 was spending more time with my family and being able to enjoy reading again. My sister and Nephew moved closer to me and my family so it was a really good year.
After over a year working various places through a temp service, one of them saw my potential and made me full time and I like what I am doing.
2021 was hard, but I got a lot of family time. We built a fence finally, son getting help with allergies and my parents have decided to move across country to be near us! So, I’m a happy girl.
Best thing to happen in 2021 was to find a perfect small waterfront home. We sold our house just before covid hit and we couldn’t even look at places last year. So we traveled in our motorhome until April 2021 when we found our waterfront place. Right place right time!
I’m really hoping I win this one. The best thing about 2021 is not a lot it started out pretty crappy but I got a new job in May and started to move on. So to moving on
I was able to support me and my daughter, as well as go on our family vacation up north.
One of the best things to happen for me in 2021 is that I got all three of my vaccinations. Before they had the vaccinations my doctor told me that if I got Covid that I would more than likely die with my health conditions. So I was beyond happy when I got my first shot. (Knock on wood) Covid has not come into my home. Both of my adult sons work in the same grocery store. I was worried everyday that one or both of them would get Covid. I am glad 2021 is almost over and pray that 2022 brings better times for all of us.
The best thing about 2021 was realising work isn’t everything. Family and friends mean more. I was able to sit back and see this and I’m thankful for it
One thing I am thankful for that happened in 2021 is great friends. During the February Texas freeze I lost power for 4 days but I was lucky enough to have friends who welcomed me into their home.
The best thing about 2021 was that I started my graduate program to become a FNP. Only 18 months left now! Hence listening to books verses reading them, I don’t have time to read haha
We had a Blue bird build a nest in our birdhouse And it was amazong to sit and watch when she had babies how the dad would come watch the best when she went to get food We missed them leaving the nest and the mommy bird left too But it was a blessing because one week later it flooded here I’m talking a destroyed the community ity I live in flooded the world away as we knew it But I jave to be thankful my house is standing and barley escaped the water I was onnthe front porch watching But to see a community ity pull together was amazing For three weeks no one talked about covid and I just have to say God took care of us because we are really lucky no one got sick. My husband is the chief of the fire dept in our community and the swift water teams came from all over NC to help Sadly we lost six lives buy I’ll never forget as long as I live seeing my big strong hubby terrified what daylight would bring because the water was still high at night fall. Iy was amazing to see that people still care about their neighbor and community. And then it broke my heart too because eith all the good you have others not even affected stealing donations and looting houses I just don’t get it and it broke my heart. I’m still asking why because it’s still happening But I learned to appreciate life a little more My neighbors a lot more that God is always in control and blesses us daily even if we don’t see it with our eyes. Now it’s Das rhe houses destroyed are coming down and some got totally washed away that day But still we are all here and survived. I hope I never see it happen again . August was rough I’ll never forget the 17th as long as I live. But I’m blessed and I’m gaining a son in law Mom’s, you get how good that feels but it also means my baby and only child is leaving!!! But she’s so happy and that makes me happy. He’s the best and that’s all I could ask for for her He trestes her like a queen and has for four years I’m a little jealous she found him right off the bat at sixteen. No frog kissing to get to the prince for her. 😉 I’ll be spending this Christmas a lot more thankful and blessed than the year before
A lot of things went right this year. Firstly, everyone was healthy. We all continued to work. It was great welcoming all the students back into my school full time. It’s as chaotic as usual but nice to see the kids again. I had some great times this summer at my cabin. Got a lot of reading accomplished ❤️
The best thing about 2021 for me, was that I was able to retire in Dec of 2020, so I’ve had all of 2021 to do whatever I want when I want and I have to admit I spent quite a bit of the year reading some fantastic books!! Thank you for keeping me entertained! Happy Holidays!
The best thing about 2021 was meeting my new book bestie Sabrina Pawn 💕
Thank you so much for the amazing opportunity 💋
To be honest, there wasn’t much going on… good or bad. Same ol same ol. lol Nothing of significance comes to mind.
My favorite part of 2021 was the wedding of 1 of my sons, then the birth of my 11th grandchildren (she makes the 9th granddaughter) and found out number 12 is on the way. I have to say my year has been pretty good.
The absolutely best thing about 2021 was the birth of my grandson on June 3, I was able to watch and help him be brought into this world and it was amazing…
the best thing that happened to me in 2021 is going to be the birth of my. granddaughter…she’ll be here around december 20th…i can’t wait!
Best things that happened in 2021. There are three and honestly all three have given me as much pleasure. Firstly (April) I changed jobs from one that used to make me cry and have panic attacks regularly to one that just doesn’t. This has probably been the best thing as it has allowed me to enjoy the other two and the rest of my life more. Secondly (July) I got my new puppy Hector the fox red lab. Scrumptious boy! Thirdly (August) finding Julie on Audible. Seriously I listen to a lot of Audiobooks. How did it take me to this year to find you! Since august I have listen to everything you have released on audiable bar today give away Bullies and Francesca. Finished Juncos The Return today. I am exhausted from all the crying Junco has made me do! I have loved every second listened. Even Merc! Xxx thank you for being so clever.
Here in England the most common visitor to my postage stamp of a garden is also the magpie. Love corvidea’s – crows rooks magpies all of them fascinate me. Much better than than the seagulls circling overhead.
The best thing about 2021 for me was going back to school for Nursing. I thought I had to give up my dream, but 2021 opened up doors for me to pursue it! Thanks for the opportunity!
The best thing about 2021 was ability to get out, travel, spend time with friends, making new friends. Assateague and spending time with wild horses was amazing.
The best thing about 2021 is that my son got engaged!
The best thing to me that happened in 2021 was I finally got promoted at my job after 6 long years.
I was able to continue working and being able to see family that I have not been able to see in the past year or so.
The best things about 2021—
a make up night of passion, my family being together, my son is making more money. I feel my creative juju again. My pilates trainers! Thanks for the question!!
Being able to spend time with Family and going on Vacation in December
The best thing about 2021 is that my kids are back to a more normal school year and enjoying it. My daughter is a Senior and was so hoping to be able to do all her activities. They’re able to hold actual in person concerts and she is thrilled.
Lol at 2020 🤣
For me it was completing my PhD after 5 years. It was a hard slog and I was so happy to be done not just for my sake but for my family’s. It’s nice now to not be working weekends and being able to hang out with my family more. 🙂
2021 was a really good year in spite of the craziness we live in right now. My husband and I have become even better friends and remember regularly how lucky we really are. We are rich in love and blessings. I learned how to scallop which was so much fun after I got over my fear of the unknown! Our oldest got married and we celebrated 50 years of age together at a surprise party our children threw for us. AND the Georgia Bulldogs are currently undefeated!! GO DAWGS!! 😆 Seriously, life is good when you just love the people around you.
2021 wasn’t the year I thought it was going to be. My mom passed unexpectedly in September which I am still dealing with. I am grateful that my sister and I decided to invite her on our “sister trip” in June. She said yes and we all spent 8 days in a beautiful house on the west coast of Florida (I live in NY). The bonus was that I stuck around to take her to brunch for her birthday a week after our trip. Knowing that we were all happy together has been very comforting.
Seriously, the best thing about 2021 is it’s almost over. Looking forward to a happier, healthier, streamlined, positive 2022 with those still with us.
I loved this duet!! The best thing for 2021 for me is after 20+ years I am finally out of debt. It took a lot of frugality, discipline and hard work but it has been an unbelievable weight off of my shoulders. Now I can save for a home!
The best thing about 2021 was getting the vaccine, so we could see family face to face and actually hug each other without worrying. Getting a hug from my mother on my birthday was the highlight of the year. You don’t realize how special those moments are until you worry about spreading an illness without knowing. Ready for a greater 2022!!
The best thing about 2021 for me was that we finally bought the house we’ve been renting for years. At first, we rented because we weren’t sure where we really wanted to be after moving to a new state (from Illinois to Missouri). Later, we find the right place and then worked to buy it. We’ve been able to do what we want to the home and property and it’s been WONDERFUL. my grandsons have their own room for when they visit and we have them over A LOT. Although this year has been difficult for most people, this year has been pretty good to me and my family.
Merry Christmas Julie xoxo
Best Thing about 2021 many things I’m alive, I get to read your books, the most personal perfect was my 5th granddaughter was born 10/20/21 Reese Maycala . She is perfect this Nama thinks.💕
Best thing about 2021… After 2.5 years our kitchen is finally finished 😀 We also built a better chicken coup and a small dock on the river in our back yard. All things we have been trying to complete but have not had time or resources to finish. Now they finally are!!!
Summer vacations hanging out at the pool in our back yard
Being able to flying home to see my family after a year and a half
The best part of 2021 was watching our puppy grow his first year. We were all still home and put up a canopy/screen tent on the patio where we were able to be outside with the puppy and enjoy the warm days and then fire pits at night, finding out again that you don’t need much to just enjoy and be happy in the moment.
The best thing about 2021 is that my grandson was born.
The best thing about 2021 was spending precious time with my family again.
Another favourite if mine is rediscovering reading….nearly 300 books!! Go me!
Best thing that happened in 2021 is the chance to go to Nashville with my hubby for a extended weekend – no kids!!!!
The best thing that happened in 2021, is my goddaughter got engaged and I got to celebrate with her mother, my best friend. My friend was diagnosed with cancer last year and had all the treatment. She has recovered from the cancer and also getting covid19. My goddaughter’s news was the best news in a pretty terrible year. It was wonderful to see my friend so happy and we celebrated all weekend!
The best thing about 2021 is a slow return to some normalcy. With vaccinations, it was great to get to go to a movie. That was the most missed activity for me. I still wear a mask everywhere but I think that this is something that will be considered normal moving forward.
I was able to visit my best Buddy 🥰 from college for the first time in 7 years…as you said life gets away from us!
I made it to my 65th birthday!
My company reorganized and I lost my job that I had had for 10 years that I loved. HOWEVER, that made it possible for me to move into a job I had been eying for 2 years and I was successfully awarded that job in September. Best career move I’ve made in a long time.
Since I’m a teacher, going back to work. Even with masks, it’s nice to socialize and have a little bit of normality.
I gained an amazing co-worker in 2021! She sits right next to me, so I’m incredibly lucky that we get along so well. We laugh all day long at work. Luckily, she’s also a hard worker, so she’s a perfect fit!
I started a new career as a Travel Agent
I retired from work and I am loving all my free time. Especially being able to read late in the night without worrying about getting up to go to work.
The best thing for me this year, was finding a core group of writers and course mates to continuously push me along on my journey towards self publication and towards the healing of my body and my soul that I’ve been so sorely lacking anywhere else. I will be sad to have to say goodbye, once this session ends, but I hope I can take all that I’ve learned and keep pushing myself forward towards my goals and my recovery. Because at the end of the day.. it’s how you feel about the journey that matters the most. Not just what you get out of it. Great story! Thanks for the chance! Happy Holidays! 🎄💕
My husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary this year. We are both older and never thought we would marry again. Also, I’m turning our formal living room into my own special place where I can go to chill out, read and display all my books and book items (candles that you made), etc. I’m also getting a Victorian chaise lounge that I can’t believe I found to put in my new reading room. It’s coming from Ireland so I probably won’t get it until Spring or Summer of 2022 because it’s coming over on a ship and will probably be stuck in the port! I’m so sorry for going on and on!! Thank you for these wonderful giveaways.
Best thing about 2021 is every day God blessed me to open my eyes and enabled me love my Family for another day!
The best thing about 2021 is that there was so much that was actually normal–being able to get back out, to work, to seeing (fully vaccinated) friends, out to restaurants… <3
The best thing for me in 2021 was my sons first birthday party (although sad at the same time because he is now a toddler and not my baby) and my daughters 16th birthday party! Both are very special milestones in very different ways!
That my health stayed good.
Growing up, my family always played the “thankful game” year-round: as a child, I’m sure it was a way to keep us facing forward emotionally and remaining positive as life threw curveballs to either catch or dodge; however as adults we all grew distant with conversation, and being cheerful as an ‘older person’ was sadly viewed unfavorably. It is nice seeing someone else make the deliberate choice to be optimistic when it is oh-so-easy to complain and wallow, whether those pity parties are justified or not! My favorite thing about this last year has been discovering digital books and audiobooks!!! Make no mistake, I LOVE physical books: the feel of paper, the artwork poured into texts and cover styles, and the joy of holding a piece of art collectively created by the minds and talents of others, of complete strangers, makes my heart and brain so happy… yet when local libraries closed for health protocols and I really did not have the money to purchase each book that interested me (LOL that is a super long list and still growing), I looked into other possibilities and found an appreciation for electronic publications and voice recorded stories. Learning about, and from, a world of authors entirely unknown to me and delving into their created character universes has been an absolute blast; and while I will always be a supporter of public libraries and the services they bring to communities, it would have been a much more difficult time without such a creative outlet and mental escape!
For me, the best part of 2021 was that we were able to take a trip to visit my dad and my brother’s family. We had never had a chance to see them since they had moved to KY, we are in VA. It was an incredible and much needed time, and I will be forever grateful that it was something we could finally do.
The best things about 2021 is that I am successful in my career, thriving with my family & paying off debt! (My car will be paid off this summer! YAY ME!)
The best thing about this year is that I got to spend a weekend with my sister, BIL and their kids after not being able to see or spend time with them in 18 months. We used to be able to hang out at least every other month (they lived 100 miles away from me). but with the current world situation, and then a work transfer that took them another 100 miles father away, I missed them terribly. We are looking forward to spending Christmas together with our other siblings and our mom (who I haven’t been able to see since January 2020!)
The best thing was my kids getting to be in school full time this year. It helps them so much.
The best thing about 2021 was finally getting into my hobby of crafting and making something out of it. I started my own website and sell things on occasion. I don’t really make any money but I do love doing it.
I have a few “best things” for 2021. My business is doing well, and I bought a new longarm (I’m a professional quilter). Word of mouth is good and my customers are happy! My step-son announced he’s getting married next year and my sister just announced she’s getting married too! 2021 has been relatively low key and I’m quite content and happy listening to audible everyday!
Best thing of 2021 is having such wonderful kids who have helped me thru out the year.
The best thing in 2021 for me was I had a nice deck built onto my house and my son finally found a house after house hunting for 1 1/2 years for one in his price range. So he is settled and happy.
Probably the best thing for me in 2021 was moving back to my home state and being close to my family and friends again (now that I can see them again)
Thanks for the chance
The best thing about 2021, is that every one I know has been safe and well.
The best thing for me was also the worst thing in 2021. Hurricane Ida hit Houma, LA and destroyed my home. Well my home was gutted down to the studs. Once the mold was removed and dried out, I was able to leave my mil’s house. My family and I have been staying in one room of the house on 3 air mattress. Although it’s been a rough and very stressful last 3.5 months it has brought us closer together. Side note I hate having to deal with all the insurance mess. But the insurance has been there for us every step of the way.
Finding myself again. I’ve been lost for so long I completely didn’t recognize myself.
I’ve accepted a lot.
Let go of things.
Realized that self love is a necessity, also self care.
I’m going to be me and if u don’t like it… Well I truly don’t care.
The best thing in 2021 was the ability to sit with my daughter on the football field as she graduated high school. A lovely Colorado snowstorm changed the plan from Monday to Thursday, but sitting with her among the other students and parents was priceless.
The best thing happen in 2021 is that my mother is cancer FREE. I thank God everyday. I hope she stays healthy and safe.
The best thing about 2021 for me was going to Bike Week in Panama City Beach. It was an adults trip for me, my husband and our best friends. It was so much fun and the perfect break from reality!
The best thing about 2021 was my accident settlement was finally over. The garden was magnificent too. Good crops.
The best thing about 2021… probably my laser eye surgery. It has transformed my life. I was quite blind (-9, which if you know lenses that is pretty high) and now I am close to perfect. It has been MAGICAL. Also, audiobooks are the best thing 😉
The Best Thing about 2021 is that our daughter got Engaged to a Wonderful Man! 🥰
The best thing about 2021 was seeing my son multiple times this year. He is in the Navy and I miss him terriblly
The best thing about 2021 is I was able to get double vaccinated before the general public and a booster too! Also that my family is healthy <3
The best thing about 2021 is I was still on covid lockdown and discovered you and your books ! And in totally addicted!!! You’re by far my best author now ! Love the Huss McLean duo aswell
The best part of 2021 is that it was a pretty quiet year for me. There was no crazy drama…after 2020, I spent 2021 in a routine…for me this is great!
The best thing about 2021 for me was finding the author community online. I had no idea there was such an awesome fan base on Facebook like that. I absolutely love the author groups! If I forgot about a title or author from a certain book all I have to do is ask on a reading group & it’s found with the smallest amount of detail. I don’t know what I’d do without them now! The rec’s alone have been amazing! Also, we got a new kitten this year! Her name is Luna and the kids love her!
The best thing about 2021 is that my Mother finally lives in the same city that I do since she moved here recently. Also that I got to go visit my Father this year for Father’s day.
It was a really productive year for me, at my work and at college. Also, I tried some new authors and read really great books.
Best thing about 2021 was my 8 month co-op job.
The best thing about 2021 is that my mother moved to the city where I live and that I got to go visit my Dad for Father’s day this year.
That it’s almost over lol
The best thing about 2021 is that I got to finally HUG my Nieces and Nephews
Thankyou so much for the chance xx xx
The best thing about 2021 is getting some physiotherapy on my frozen arm so i can now move it a lot better
The best part of 2021 was my new red malamute puppy for my birthday. We always get pound puppies, but that year, my husband actually paid for a pet. A first for us.
One of the best things for me in 2021 was one of my closest friends and her husband moved from 1800 miles away from me to 45 minutes. It is awesome having her so close. We can meet for lunch and shopping whenever we feel like it now!
Watching my daughter graduate top ten from high school
I think the best thing about this past year was that our family was able to stay healthy and working. <3
The best thing about 2021 is I get to retire at the end of this year, woo hoo so looking forward to it.
The beat thing about 2021 is that my sister finally got to go back out to work, she was starting to become a shut-in. I think my son is one, college classes is still being done online. But he did manage to go on a little trip with us. Yes we actually went on vacation after so long of not taking any, it was so nice to get out of the hustle and bustle of city life.
And the best thing of all is that I got to open my eyes to a new day, each day of 2021.
The best part of this year is that my family has remained healthy and still managed to live as normal life as possible.
The best thing about 2021 was that my Autistic son finally got his therapy animal…a puppy named Max. I have never seen him smile & laugh as much as he has this year! Max has really opened him up!!
Best part of 2021 was my daughter getting married in our backyard. Her August 2020 wedding was cancelled because of the pandemic. The big formal shindig turned into her walking barefoot into our yard getting married in front of the pine tree she and her friend planted when they were six. The tree is now three stories high. It was 12″ when planted. Dogs, birds and squirrels all present and accounted for. Beautiful day in May. BTW, it was not planned. She called Thursday and asked if she could use our yard to get married on Saturday. Uh, okay. Lol.
I now have a supply of masks I can wear
I’m expecting/hoping for some good news Monday.
Well, I’m a Kiwi and we’re just heading into summer & Christmas season here in NZ, and just come out of over 100 days of lockdown, our 5th one. So nothing beats a wee bit of (limited) freedom
The best thing about 2021 was getting a puppy!
Ruth Uhrmann Limeburner on FB. The best part of the year was my husband and I stayed COVID19 free!!!
The best part of 2021 was being able to say I still have a job. Spending Thanksgiving with my family was a highlight!
I started setting boundaries for the first time in my life and removed quite a few people in my life. It was hard at first, but I have so much more peace now! We also took in my two nieces in September. They are 10 and 7.
I live in a tiny town myself, population of about 23. I mean, I live above the General Store/Gas Station/Post Office, how cool is that! It was built in the 1800’s so it’s like stepping back in time. And I love it! So last year didn’t really change much for me. I still worked the same and This year I got a “new to me” car finally. I HATE buying a car. And just recently I have found a remedy for my stomach issues so that I’m not nauseous 24/7. Oh, and I just added another kitty to my menagerie. I finally got a snuggler! Yay!
My husband and I took our first trip alone since having kids 13 years ago! And that trip was to Philly so I could go to Indys Invade Philly and meet some amazing authors and my favorite narrators. It was amazing!!
My husband and I paid off off our credit cards in full in Feb and we have been paying them off in full each month since then. Feel so much better with no debt other than our mortgage hanging over our heads. Was super great getting a super low interest rate for our mortgage renewal too. Super happy my son and his girlfriend who contracted Covid in March both didn’t get terribly sick and were healthy again in record time. Also they are now homeowners, they bought their first home together in July! Proud mama lol.
The best part of 2021 was being able to spend time at home working on creative projects + really enjoying reading again which I just hadn’t felt as into the past few years.
❤️We got to spend lots more time with our grandson in 2021 since we were both vaccinated. I’m also so thankful he was able to get both of his Covid shots!
The best part of the year was finally getting to finally go visit my family in New York after many many years! It was a wonderful trip! Thank you for the chance!
The best part of 2021 for me was getting to have my 5 year old granddaughter stay at the farm for 5 weeks with us over the summer. I had only met her one other time, last year. We had a blast growing vegetables in the garden, taking walks in the woods, exploring the farm and taking care of the 15 chickens I got this spring.14 hens and 1 rooster, he was an oops but he’s beautiful and I love him anyway. I haven’t had chickens since I was a little girl. I totally understand about not being able to enjoy your farm and property. There is always something to take care and no time to enjoy what you have, but I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t wait to see more pictures of your adventures.
God bless.
The birth of my first grandchild.
My favorite thing about 2021 is buying our first home!! We get to move in this week and I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas gift ❤️❤️
I met the love of my life and I relocated to be near him ❤️
Best thing that happened in 2021. 1) My roof is finally done after the first one failed due to faulty shingles put on by roofer earlier this year. 2) New hurricane windows and doors are in finally 3) cabinets are finished…..Hurricanes suck…
After almost 2years my parents were able to travel and come visit and spent 2 weeks with my kids and me.
The best part of 2019 was making positive changes for myself, I decided to cut ties with the company I had been employed at for 27 years!!! My director there had given me so much grief about my decision and tried to make me believe that this was the most terrible decision I could possibly make, she was trying to plant seeds of doubt in my mind.
Well I did leave and my life is actually so much better, yes I still work a lot of hours, but I always have and I do have a better work life balance. I no longer have that deep feeling of dread at the thought of having to go to work and deal with toxic people that this company has running things.
Now I’m happy that I can work at a place without all the drama and toxic people that are constantly trying to make others feel like crap, because they are not afraid to do what’s right, versus going along and drinking their toxic koolaide!
Best change! I’m so glad that I followed my heart 💜
I left a comment at 5 pm but I don’t see it so I will try again. The best thing about 2021, is that even though most of us had bad events, we all found some good in our lives. That is important! Some best in my life, in 2021 I only had one surgery (I’ve had 11surgeries in the last couple of years), and after 22 years in our house I finally got my walk-in closet! YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!! But the most important thing this past year is that my husband and I have reconnected in ways I did not think was possible, making my love grow for him even more. Thank you baby!
The birth of my youngest daughter was the best part of 2021.
The best thing that happened in 2021, is that I took up reading again! I used to love leisure reading back in Middle and High School but then stopped once I got to College. With more than a decade I’ve only read the Twilight Saga because of the hype at the time. Even when Covid hit, and all the time in the world, I didn’t really pick up reading too much. Until around June 2021, I decided to join Tijan’s FB group since I remember liking her Fallen Crest series (only read the first two books). Since it was her FB group, everyone basically praised all her books and when she offered signed books with a bookstore, I went in and blindly bought almost ALL her books and that started my collection. Throughout the next few months, I learned about other popular authors such as Penelope Douglas, Colleen Hoover, Elle Kennedy/Sabrina Bowen, Kate Stewart, R.A. Smyth, Caroline Peckham/Susanna Valenti, Tillie Cole, Amo Jones, Mariana Zapata, Holly Black and so on. Since June till now, I’ve acquired over 100 paperbacks/hardcovers from Target and Amazon’s B2G1 free deal, or signed books from the Author’s store. I’m excited to get back into reading and igniting the passion I once had. I just hope my kids will have my passion one day.
Purchased some land that we been wanting for awhile. Thanks for the chance
Getting to see my grandparents!
A beach trip with my daughter and her family. I got to spend a full week with my granddaughters having a blast!
You know what I love when hearing about your property? Imagining all that space! Mom used to say we lived so close to the neighbors that you could pass things to each other through the windows. It’s truly not that close but near enough. I like you bird pics and can’t wait to see the flowers you planted.
The best thing about 2021? No hurricanes over my area. East Louisiana got beat pretty bad by Ida but here on the East side we were spared and I am grateful.
I haven’t stared the bully Kings so this would be a nice surprise. Thanks Julie for being who you are. Hugs!
The best thing about 2021 for me well…. I was working a high stressed, Shit Show of a job! I tried to give my notice, lol but they would not accept my notice! 🤷🏻♀️ So I said Fuck It! And Quit. I took a new position with a new company little less money, a lot less stress and I gained my life back, finding myself again! It has been refreshing and I realized just how much I missed myself and my husband! Life is crazy and we all get lost in it.. I found myself again in 2021 and man I’m fucking awesome! Lol 😉 Now I have time to read all the JA Huss books I want!!! 💋
We adopted a dog this year and he is awesome! Everything I’ve ever wanted in a dog. He’s the first dog I’ve owned as an adult. We love him so much! So he is definitely one of the best things about this year.
This past summer we were able to visit my brother and his family in Spain where they live now.
This has been a good year for me and a tough one. My parents moved back to our home state after 15 years 5 hours away. That was wonderful because with the pandemic we missed being able to visit and have them visit us. It was tough because it was because my parents need our support that they moved back. My dad went into a memory care facility and my mother had heart procedures and a surgery and is now in need of assisted living. The good is that they were able to come back together by my mother getting assisted living care in the memory unit. I was able to make up for missing them for so long by visiting every day during the transition. It has been a year about family.
The best thing about 2021 was that I was able to go see my brother and his family for the 1st time in 5 years. I got to meet my new niece and spend quality time with my brother. Also being able to fulfill one of my son’s bucket list items- to see his football team play in person.
My grandma being told she is in remission.
Thanks for the chance!
The best thing about 2021 – for me, my great niece Charlotte Rae “Baby Charlie” was born ☘️
The best thing about 2021 was when my daughter came down from Oklahoma to visit.
The best thing for me was all my kids in town together for a few days.
What a great question! The great thing about 2021 is that we traveled to see family! We visited my aunt for 3 weeks.
The best thing about 2021 is that I found my willpower again. 2020 was a stagnant year. Not a lot of action. In 2021 I started to live again, to move again. Can’t wait for 2022.
The Best Part Of 2021, For Me Was My Health Is Getting Back On Track; I’ve Been Getting Fewer Migraines. Also, Due To Restrictions Being Lifted, I Finally Got To Meet My First Nephew, He Is The Cutest Little Thing And Brightens My Life When I Get To Meet Him (He Turned One Years Old This November).
Thank You For The Amazing Giveaway And Happy Hollidays. Here’s To More Happiness Come The New Year! 💖
The best thing of 2021 is my 2 year cancer free drs appointment and not having to go back for 6 months im so happy!!
The best thing was getting to go and see my mom after 1.5 years
The best thing about 2021 is that we are still Here we have been fully vaccinated and boosterd I am so thankful and that we have been able to visit with friends and we to my nieces beautiful wedding and visit with family
Thank you so much for the opportunity and your generosity love these giveaways
Best thing in 2021 was my new job! Glad covid is getting better and after being laid off for so long it feels so good to be back to work and have some money rolling in.
My health and going to san Francisco. Thanks for the chance
To get Abby & Ziva my two kittens! <3
Getting my suv paid off! I’m so happy I have it paid off and no more monthly payments!
Working from home
Julie, You Rock!!!❤ The best thing of 2021 for me was becoming a grandma for the first time!
The best thing to happen in 2021 was getting to spend more time with family again, after the isolation of 2020.
The best thing of 2021 was moving into my new home in Florida
I guess I would have to say the best thing about 2021 was finding out that I am going to be a grandma.
The best thing about this year was finally seeing my best friend again. And my uncle came to town and stayed with us.
The best thing for me about 2021 was spending time with my little Granddaughter, Ryan. She is 2 and a half & the apple of my eye.
The best thing about 2021 will happen tomorrow when my daughter gives me my 6th grandson. Being born Dec. 6!!
I have two best things in 2021. In chronological order, the first is that my step-dad who was diagnosed with COVID in February 2020 is miraculously still with us, after a long and hard fought battle. He spent TWO MONTHS in the ICU, on a ventilator, and for about six of those weeks he was on extracorporeal life support and at one point was given a 5% chance of surviving. Fast forward 8-9 months and he is basically back to living a normal life, generally speaking.
The second thing is that in June our family welcomed a new baby girl! She’s the sweetest little thing, and definitely “completes” our family. She has 2 older brothers (8 & 11) who are 100% wrapped around her little finger.
Best thing upto now is my twin grandbabies due next February are still safe in their mummy’s tummy after the big scare we all had in November thinking they were coming early 💕💕💕🤞🤞
The best thing about 2021 was also the worst thing, My son with my 2 grandsons moved to Puerto Rico. Previously they lived 30 min from me, but Mom is Puertorician and they both just wanted an easier way of life, So while I miss them terrible I get to spend Christmas with them in a beautiful warm place that also might be the place for my retirement if that day ever happens. Got to find that silver lining and hang on for dear life. So I am going to end this year with a bang and lots of love.
Road tripping with our kids! We live in St. Louis and drove to Colorado to camp a few days and then met friends in Utah. We hiked a LOT and enjoyed the weirdness & beauty of this crazy world. My husband and I took 2.5 weeks off work for the first time & we just left. It was amazing. Also, we’ve decided to move to South Carolina! Random but exciting!
We put in a hot tub this year and it has been enjoyed by our friends and family as well as me and my husband.
The best thing for me is enjoying time with my family and staying healthy
I really started working with authors promoting and reading arcs
The best thing about 2021 is that my family kept working and my daughter was allowed the time to heal from her major surgery since school was online but physical therapy was allowed to keep going.
The best thing about 2021 is my family is healthy and my husband and I survived Covid! Thank you for the chance I haven’t read this one-yet!😉
The best thing that happened is my family moved to Oklahoma. My husband and I finally got tired of everything in California. We left all of our family and friends and just split. The first few months in Oklahoma were rough. We have now settled in and like it here.
The best thing about 2021 was the amount if time I had to spend with my family. We had a lot of quality time together. Life has slowed down. I think I’d like to keep it slow and steady. I used to rush around and fill our schedules. I realized how much I could have lost out on by not taking the time to notice everything. We definitely have stronger relationships with each other now.
The best thing about 2021 has been the unexpected friendships I’ve made. Have really opened myself up to new people and new experiences.
The best thing about 2021 has been working in my sister’s new pizza & grinder restaurant on the side. It has brought our family closer together and helped us payoff some bills too.
I have my job and my family. We’ve had a few bumps in the road but nothing that couldn’t be resolved.
It’s been a tough year at work, lots of ours! So my health & family are the Best thing this year. Thanks for the opportunity:)
My favorite thing about 2021 were changes in my life that were inspired but some of your (and JMcClain’s) books. And your writing classes! Thank you thank you!
My son got into college on full scholarship.
Wow! 2021! What a year! Mine is bitter sweet. My older brother was diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney Cancer. The immunotherapy they started him on fried his insides and he became so ill we almost lost him twice. But he strongest person I know. He fought for our country to only come home to fight for his life. The good out of all the ugly is how our family has come together to be at his side, help his family when needed and to just spend time together. I’m beyond proud of my brother and thank everyday we get to be brother and sister.
Thank you again for the chance. The best things that happened to me in 2021 was seeing some of my loved ones and friends that I haven’t seen in awhile ❤
The best thing this year was me being able to get the gastric sleeve surgery. I can finally get my weight and health under control. So far I’m 8 weeks post op and I have lost 39 pounds.
The best thing about 2021 was being able to spend more time with my family!
The best part of 2021 was having another jear with my parents. Dad has Alzheimer’s so every semi lucid day is a miracle
The best part of 2021 was shedding the pretense that me and so m any others live under. Getting real with myself and with others. And having the time to really stop, rest and reflect on what really matters.
The best and teg worst part of 2021 was selling our home of 26 years and moving completely to our farm. Looking forward to a slower pace and less stressful life. Thanks for the chance!
The Best part of 2021 was the birth of our son. We were waiting for him so long, he is our rainbow baby. ❤
The best thing in 2021 is being more present for our family with the ever changing pandemic….appreciating the time and managing the waves better than the year before.
Moving back to my home town to be closer to family and friends
For my family, the best part of 2021 is that we got to travel to stay at my brother’s for a week in April. My dad purchased the airline tickets as a surprise last Christmas. We live in Virginia and my dad and brother’s family live in Kentucky and we had never had the chance to visit there. It was such a blessing. Since losing my mom several years ago from cancer it has taken our family quite a bit of time to heal and start drawing closer to each other and I know as I go into this New Year that my mom is smiling down and proud of us. Thank you so much for the chance and Happy Holidays!
My granddaughter finally had her wedding reception. It’s a year later but because of Hurricane Laura, 2020, they lost everything. This year, 2021, they had their wedding reception and now moved into their new home
Got a new job that I love and also while I was not working I managed to get a lot done with my house deep cleaning,painting it’s been a fairly productive year
The best thing about 2021 is twofold: First, finding you, and your body of work, has brought me such joy this year. Second, all the shadow work I have done and self healing and self growth has been amazing!! I am such a healthier, better me. For the first time ever I can say I truly love myself. I am so proud of me!
The best thing about 2021, is finally being able to see friends, celebrating holidays, and going out for dinners.
The best thing about 2021 was the development of the Covid 19 vaccination.
The best part of 2021 is that after being sick and have thousands of dollars in medical bills they only found small treatable things, not cancer like my Dr thought.
2021 has been actually pretty terrible. I was diagnosed with cancer, had 2 pets die and may have lost my job because of the cancer. The Good to come out if it is made me closer to my family.
The best thing of 2021 was the ability to see my siblings again.
The best thing in 2021 was going on a beach vacation for my anniversary. It was a great get a way for me and my husband. 💜
The best thing thing that happened to me in 2021 was I had a huge vegetable garden and was able to can some salsa and tomato sauce. I shared lots of things with my neighbors and family. It gave me a peace of mind working the land and producing usable foods. I even set up a hammockto relax in on long summer days. I understand completely about if I don’t do it no one will mentality. My hubby works too much so the yard was left for me to care for since I have been laid off for a while. Luv your bird pics!
Moving to be closer to my sister.
The best thing about 2021 is that all my family and myself are safe and healthy. This was a crazy year for me health wise (who knew a retina could spontaneously detatch!?!?) But I’m healing great and my kids and husband and family are healthy and happy and that’s all that counts.
In 2021 I really bosses myself up. First I was doing DoorDash to bring in some extra money, but while doing that I kicked up getting clientele for my cleaning business by putting my business cards on the orders. Then I started my own logistics business!
I got to see Toby Keith in concert, he is my all time favorite country singer and I was so happy!!!
That a lot of classes I wanted to take went virtual so I could take them where otherwise I would not have been able to afford them
The best of 2021, we get see friends and family.
The best thing about 2021? Well, my kids’ school districts opened back up for the school year! It had been a year and a half almost with them doing at home schooling because everything was shut down here. They needed the social aspect desperately and we are still staying safe out here.
The best thing about this year was watching how well my kids excelled in school and watching them grow into people I truly enjoy.
The best thing about 2021 was the loosening of restrictions around social gatherings.
The best thing about 2021, is that it provided clarity of changes that need to be made in my life, to make my daughter and I happier.
The best thing about 2021 has the been the ability to once again do the things I love. Take a trip to visit family, see my girls off to school where they are way happier learning with their friends than at home in their rooms alone. Going out to spend time with girlfriends or the hubby. Basically getting some well deserved freedoms back.
Best thing in 2021 for me is I moved to Florida. To the beach 😁
Finding out our son is accepted into college next year!!!
The best thing is I paid off my house and car. Both my sons survived having Covid.
I got to have my stomach surgery to fix my gastroparesis and since then I have lost over 60 lbs and feel good about myself again. AND I’ve finally been able to enjoy food again, just in smaller amounts. 😋
We were able to start living life again.
The best thing about 2021 was getting to spend more time with family and good friends.
The best thing for me is that my family and I are all safe, healthy and happy. We have roof’s over our heads, food to eat and each other. I am grateful for everyday I am alive and that my kids and family are all living our best lives.
The best thing for me was my daughter’s Sweet 16 party! It was originally supposed to be a quincenera last year, but we had to postpone it due to Covid. We started planning when she was 13! It was so stressful and exciting at the same time. It was a lot smaller than we originally planned, but it was perfect. She had a blast, everything came out perfect, I cried (she laughed), everyone ate, danced, took pictures, and had a blast. I couldn’t be more proud of my daughter! Next year I get to have my son’s 18th birthday party and high school graduation. I can’t wait!!!
The best thing about 2021 was my daughter got married to her longtime boyfriend, and we were able to have a wedding with family and friends.
Thanks for the chance, Happy Holidays! 💗
For me the best thing of 2021 was watching my baby transition from toddler to boy. Everyday he seems to learn something new and slowly all his baby ways are left behind and big ways and his personality become stronger. I’m not ready.
Best thing about 2021 is that my husband and I followed through on our long-term dream, purchased retirement land (riverfront near Lake George!) and started working with a log home builder to create our dream home to enjoy in our retirement!
2021 has been nothing short of a living hell. My son got really sick in Feb and it wasn’t until June that we had an official diagnosis. Then his dad decided to file for full custody. So 2021 can suck it. I’ve learned so much more about my strengths and weaknesses but also learned how strong a 13yo (12 at diagnosis) truly is. He looked at me saying, “mom, I got this. It’s ok.” He never once backed away from all the needles and daily testing he has to do daily. I’m in awe of his strength and resilience. But, 2021 can still suck it! Haha.
The best thing about 2021 for me was that I got a new job that I love. Still doing the same thing as I have for the last 20 years, but the place I’m working now is just wonderful! Fantastic staff and location. I’m so happy!
Hi! Thank you for the chance!!
The best thing about 2021, for me, is that my child was able to go back to school.
The best thing about 2021 was the announcement of the vaccine and being able to get it and feel a little safe about going out into the world again. After being cautious all for most of 2021 for me personally being able to see my family again after not seeing them for a year was the best to thing that happened in 2021.
There hasn’t been anything really good about 2021. We found out my husband’s cancer was back and inoperable. Just before mother’s day I found out my mother has breast cancer and in March I fell and have been out of work ever since. When my mom get a pet scan we found out she also has kidney cancer. My husband’s colon cancer came back in is lungs and lymph nodes and has now progressed to his bones. So it has been a tough year all around. The only good thing about 2021 is my husband still working from home because of covid. I don’t think would actually be physically able to go into work anymore.
The best thing about 2021 was being able to go back to Disneyland and getting as back to normal as we can with the vaccine and all.
My children got back in school. It helped them mentally to get back around their friends and in a routine.
The best thing is that my kids have gone back to their physical school and my oldest is finally doing full days he hasn’t done them since kindergarten
My daughter finally got her White Coat ceremony. It was put off due to Covid. She starts her clinicals in January.
The best thing about 2021 was my son achieving his Eagle Scout rank
Finally becoming an author and keeping my job. While COVID took so many, I worked in allied health care and was considered essential. Very thankful for that
All things into consideration 2021 was not a bad year. My youngest son turned 40 and I had a granddaughter to turn 16. Also my Great Grandson that I keep is in Kindergarten and a straight A student, despite his Autism.
Oops I replied to someone’s comment, not your post 🥴
Best thing about 2021 was knowing we are one day closer to book signings, Cafe visits and nights out again.
I’m thankful that my cancer meds I started after my 2 cancer surgery and radiation. Yes I went through breast cancer doing the pandemic. Let me tell you I could have gotten into the white house easier than the cancer center to have my treatment. But to tell the truth it made me feel safe going there. I have been very blessed no problems or sided effects from my meds. Plus my cancer was caught in the early stages.Get your mammogram ladies and gentlemen. Please it could save your life
The best thing about 2021 has been spending time with my nephew. He brings so much joy into my life and can always make me laugh and smile.
I got to see my brother and his family and a lot of other extended family members that I only get to see every few years, at best.
The best thing was that travel was back on, so my daughter could come visit us.
Hmmm, In reality, 2020 was a whole lot better than ’21 has been. Lost everything material in a house fire. Three kitties and a dog too. But, you know bad stuff happens…. We’re fortunate. Friends. Without friends- some of whom were complete strangers at the time- I would be crying in my cornflakes. Also, grateful for the kindness of authors- freebies, and giveaways such as this -has kept me reading. Thus keeping me sane.
I got out of my home and visited my sister’s new home.
The best part was my husband and I both retired from our everyday jobs. We spend more time together and with the grandkids. We both picked up a part time job driving for the Amish community in our area and it is so refreshing to be around people who are polite, considerate, don’t swear, smoke, drink and are some of the nicest people you will every meet.
The best thing for me was that my son’s soccer team made the National Playoffs then advanced to the Finals. This is the first time he has had such a big accomplishment, and especially after having an almost nonexistent season during 2020, it was exciting to watch them have their moment, bond and do all that traveling.
Every moment I spent with my bestie. She passed away 1 mo ago. I’m glad we had the time together
I always try to enjoy even the smallest thing but probably watching my son graduate and then having a party for him.
My best friend flew over from MN to Scotland to help me pack up my apartment as I was moving into a nursing home 😬 she’s the best 🥰
My nephew celebrated his first birthday.
It was a difficult year, here, as there were quite a few shut-downs or lockdowns. The best thing was inbetween those, we got to celebrate the 4 grandkids birthdays, as 3 of them were in the summer.
We also hold a music festival on our property every year, except last year we couldn’t, and this year was iffy. So we had 3 weekends of bands recording on our property, outside, live, and were allowed 100 people. Everyone was so happy to be able to watch bands live, and the musicians were thrilled to be able to play in front of an audience. It went beautifully. Sounded wonderful.
So, I guess it was a good year, after all.
I went scuba diving for the first time! It was amazing!
It’s definitely been a difficult year, but there are some great things that happened too. My newest great nephew was born 8 weeks early, but after only 10 days in the hospital he came home and is healthy. My sister got a new job that she seems to enjoy. And I finally found out what was causing my pain in the side (even though it means surgery in January).
This is a tough one, it’s been a hard year. But I have been able to see some friends again that I haven’t in a while.
The best thing about 2021 for me was Meeting Danielle Gillies and Dominic Purcell. Such an amazing experience.
The best thing about this past year was that I got to have a visit with my son-hadn’t seen him since 2019!!!
The best thing of 2021 was distancing myself from my (toxic) family and moving from FL to CO all by myself!!!
One of the best things about 2021 is that I’ve started meditating, and that practice has opened my eyes to the fact that I don’t have to stay stuck in my ‘old’ story! I can live a different story than the patterns I have fallen into for decades! I’ve often been forgotten over the years (my sisters are twins and have each other, and my brothers are close and have each other; I’m the lone leftover child.) However, last time I fell into the pattern of not standing up for me, I rewrote my ending and stood up for me! I didn’t let them forget me, but called attention to the fact that I was being forgotten. And I’m making it a part of my future to call attention to it if/when it happens, and not accept that it has to be that way. Bringing it into awareness is the first step in changing the behavior. That feels good!
The only thing I can think of I that hopefully we are getting closer to things normalizing.
I love giveaways and would love to win. The best thing about 2021 is that my granddaughters baby will be bore in 2021.
Our vacation to Florida this past June. It was my husband and myself with our three kids and my oldest sons girlfriend. We had such an amazing time! We did Magic Kingdom and Universal. Then my husband and I went back in November and did EPCOT and Magic Kingdom again.
I got to see my best friend of 38yrs, get married. She waited 50yrs to find someone that made her truly happy. Two weeks after her 50th birthday, she was married for the first time.
The best thing that has happened to me in 2021 is that I finally have a car!! My aunt and younger cousin gave me their old car they have kept in good working condition. It was my cousins first car. Let’s see what 2022 has instore next!!
I graduated from college and got my diploma 🙂
Best thing was the covid vaccine going out. We need to even the playing field. I am high risk and live just outside a large city so have been home bound for most of this time. Now can at least go to much needed medical appts. At least for now.
I got an amazing job!!
This September my youngest went to University. We’re empty nesters until they come home for summer! It’s like we’re honeymooning all over again. It’s been truly amazing to reconnect. Very happy we have this chance 🎁💕🎄
That I was able to get vaccinated. I have high hopes that 2022 will some what return to normal although I think it will look different now
The best thing about 2021 is that I survived it(so far) without any major events. I am grateful. My kids are all healthy and getting by, I have a good job and a few close friends I would be lost without. Nothing to complain about. That in itself is everything!!!❤
I made it another year.
The best of 2021 was that my employer allowed me to continue working from home at the saem salary.
Best thing about 2021 was a family trip to Colorado where we got to explore the mountains and beauty and then celebrate on top of a mountain while my sister from another mister got married!
The best thing for me this year was getting good health insurance, I’m slowly getting some health issues worked through. It’s a big deal, I had a couple of years without insurance. I do not take it for granted. It’s not the exciting thing, but I’m really happy and relieved to have it♥️
Best thing this year is that all my kids are happy and healthy!
The best thing was that being home was more normal for people. It was so great to see families outside together walking and playing games. Where I live lots of people work lots of long hours and I have neighbors I’ve seen for the first time this year.
I had cancer removed from my right breast!! I’m NED!!!
The kids got to go back to in person learning which was so much better for them!
This year has been difficult, but I got a beautiful Yorkie puppy I named Vesta. She has brightened our entire family. We all love her. She makes us laugh with her antics, and even the other dogs (except maybe my 14-year-old Yorkie) really love her.
The best thing about 2021 was finally being able to see family and friends.
I am lucky that I have an amazing job that can still bring such joy to people in a plethora of ways. I am a florist, so whether I am making an arrangement for someone who is sick, someone who is missed because they cannot be there in person, or if it is for someone who has passed (COVID kept us busy this year) I know that it will make them a little happier in the moment and goodness knows, it has been needed last year and this year.
The best thing about 2021 is I still have a job!!
My favorite part of 2021 was transferring stores and escaping my boss.
Best things of 2021 (in no particular order):
– Accepted to my #1 choice for internship for grad school
– My daughter’s first year on the dance competition team – LOVED watching her perform
– My son moving up to the next league at hockey
Best part of 2021 – turning 21!
My parents took me on a birthday trip and it was AMAZING!!
I had so much fun and can’t wait to go back!
Thanks for the chance to win, btw!
This series sounds fantastic!!
The best thing about 2021 was investing time and money that we weren’t spending out into our farm and farm market where we sell things produced on our farm as well as my soaps and bath products.
2021 was a great year for me. I had a new baby in 2020 and I got promoted early 2020 and was able to work from home alot this year and be home more with my two baby boys and husband. It had it’s ups and downs, but all in all, great year.
The best thing about 2021 has been school (so for me as a bus driver, also work) going back to normal!
Went to Hawaii to visit family, had a great time.
My granddaughter celebrated her 1 st birthday.
The best thing about 2021 is we saved a mama cat and her kittys 🙂 It was so much fun having all those little ones and finding homes for them! We did keep mama and two babys!
I finally was called back to work!
Best thing about this year, my daughter got married and grand baby #2 is on the way!!
Best thing of 2021-only had 1 death in the family. My grandmother passed at age 96. I know that sound horrible, but these past few years, have been multiple close family members pass away.
The best thing about 2021 is me working on me, doing things that bring me peace and happiness. Because then i can be a better mom to my kids.
The best thing about 2021was getting a vacation after all the Covid crap. We put off our cruise for almost 2 years because… well… cruises weren’t cruising. It felt so good to get a warm sunny vacation on a cruise ship to Mexico. Another positive for 2021 was my entire family stayed healthy! ❤️
I’m not in jail. Lol. The places our mind can go.
The best thing about 2021 is I’m still alive , so its a good day..
The best thing about 2021, is I found the love of my life
Getting vaccinated and being able to see my kids again, plus being less stressed.
2021 still had a lot of suckle (Texas Freezemageddon, a couple kid-related things, health related things), but seeing my kids (both my adult kids and the actual kids I see at work) growing into their Fall selves is pretty much at the top.
The best thing about 2021 is that we didn’t have any family members that died this year. My dad died in 2020 and my grandmother died in 2019 so It’s tough the last couple of years.
Nothing, other than the fact that I am still here!
New co-workers 😊
I am close to my family, sister and cousins all over the great USA. So it was nice us all getting together in one place again. Thanks for the chance!
Best thing is my daughter realized what a deadbeat her fiance was and called off the Wedding, told him they were done.
The best thing was that we got a little bit more back to things being closer to the way they were before 2020. Thank you for the chance!
My niece invited me to go with her wedding dress shopping, and I was there when she said yes to the dress. To see her face when she saw herself in the mirror was priceless.
The best thing about 2021 is that I just recently learned my sister is pregnant again but this time it’s a boy! So excited!
The best thing about 2021 for me is my kiddos getting to have some “normal” back like going to school, sports & activities. They look a little different but my kids are thriving ♥️
I’m not going to lie & tell you that there was a lot of good that happened in 2021 for me. I’m still grieving the loss of my first born who passed in 2020.
But our family did have a blessing this year with the birth of the cutest little bundle of joy a baby girl born in October. My cousin who feared she never become a mother became one💜💜
I have stayed friends with the foreign exchange student from high school. She usually comes to visit every year, however, because of COVID I haven’t seen her since 2019. This year was the best because I got to see her and to find out she is getting married. My husband was finally approved for SSA after 4 years. So now, we actually have enough money to visit her next year in Norway and hopefully attend the wedding 🥰🤩❤️
The best thing that happen in 2021 was my boyfriend and I bought a house. We were living in a small apartment and now live in a house with a basement and a garage!
I think it was the fact that I got to spend more time with my kids. They grow so fast and I cherish every moment.
The best thing about 2021 for me was that I was about to travel and visit my grandmother. I live in Florida and I am immune compromised… she’s in New Jersey and elderly. I wasn’t able to go visit last year due to obvious reasons and she’s been so lonely since she’s not been able to go to church so it was super special that I was able to visit.
It wasn’t 2020! lol. Best thing was that in my neck of the woods at least, we got to get back to some semblance of normal.
Being with family in 2021. I know, we were stuck inside most of the time. But, instead of seeing my kids, 3 or 4 hrs during the day after work we saw each other ALL DAY! hahaha, a blessing and a curse I know!
The best thing about 2021 had to be figuring myself out. I don’t know if I can say I “peeked,” but I’ve definitely come far from the sluggish, sad girl I was for a long time just because I didn’t know who I was inside. 2021 was like going on some adventure (like really, that’s what I felt like). Even now, with the school year back on and my workload, job and internship piling on top of me, I feel like I spend a decent amount of time just reflecting on why I feel the way I feel and how to boost myself. I have a “bruh girl” aesthetic, I’ve read more books in the past three years than I probably have in my whole life (and I’ve always read a lot, so that’s saying something), and I’ve figured out that gaming and volunteering are my favorite ways to spend my free time 🥰 Also, my music taste was so different this past year that my entire Spotify wrapped was instrumentals and soundtracks, which work with literally any and every mood so I think I’ll continue listening to them for a while!
I found a job and was finally able to save money and give back to my family for all their help during 2020.
The best thing about 2021 was being to see our friends, who live a distance away, that we never saw last year. I’d missed them so much. Hopefully, all being well here in the UK, we’ll be spending New Year with them, too. <3
I think the best thing about this year is that we were able to spend more time with my kids grandparents. We lived out of state but moved back home to help care for my disabled mother which brought us closer to all of our family.
2021 has been rough not as bad as 2020. My favorite thing I did was take my kids to NYC for shopping, siteseeing, and lots of laughs.
I got to spend some quality time with my first granddaughter and my daughter. They live in Texas but came to Alabama to spend time with family and for my sons wedding. My mom and sister also got to come from Indiana to meet the grandbaby for the first time. She’s 1.
Best best thing about 2021 was that it wasn’t 2020! I was too busy this year to worry about the goings on in the world. I’m looking forward to 2022. I’m excited for your chickens.
I got a promtion at work that starts 1/1/22. Should be a good work.
The best thing about 2021 is the continued closeness of my family. I never get tired of spending quality time with them. What an awesome giveaway. Thanks so much for the chance.
Best thing about 2021 was going to Vegas! First time I had been. It was a blast
The best thing about 2021 is the vaccine.
The best thing about 2021 was taking a trip to Florida with my Husband for our 10th anniversary.
That I was able to work from home and that my family is safe and healthy.
My #3 grandbaby will be 1!!!
Making new friends in 2021 and reconnecting with old ones
2021 was not bad for me either. I become aunt for the 2nd time this year! I also got to spend all the summer at my mom’s place in Latvia this year because thanks to Covid, I could work from anywhere in the world.
Meeting my amazing boyfriend
Best thing for me was spending more time with extended family that had not gotten to see for a long time. Having big dinners together laughing, talking and playing card games.
The best part of ’21 was the family vacation to Pigeon Forge, TN. We were all able to just get away from the real world and decompress. Most times without cell phone service! The sunrise and sunset over the mountains was the best view in the world!
All the great books I have read and new friends I have made.
Best part of 2021 for me was my husband getting a raise. Only because it allowed us to get our life back after we lost a lot because of covid. In the new year, we get to finally find a house!!!
that I didnt catch covid
I started a new job. Finally getting paid what I deserve and the bosses are great
The best thing that happen to me was finally being able to finally go to St. Jude’s children’s hospital to read and hang out with the kids, it’s a passion that’s been near and dear to my heart since I was in 4th grade and is my dream job one I graduate from school in March.
Even though as it got started, the job wasn’t great, my new job is at least paying me enough that I don’t have to work a second job. Thanks for the chance!
best thing for 2021 is I have gotten to know my neighbors better.
Best thing about 2021 for me is that I discovered how important self care is and taking care of me.
I got the chance to spend more time with my family! My mom started working from home and my sister moved in to live with us during the pandemic. College started the online classes so we’ve been spending the hole day together. I really missed this and I this this time strengthen our relationship!
I hope everyone got to experience something nice this year!
The best thing about 2021 is that I spent my vacations helping my elderly father, who has Parkinson’s and early dementia. Where I would’ve spent my time off from school (work) relaxing and taking care of tasks at home, I flew to NJ and did what I could for my father. Time is short and precious.
The best thing about 2021 is that it’s almost over. Hopefully next year the world can get back to normal, without face masks. I forget what people look like. Lol
The best thing about 2021 is that I got vaccinated and was able to go to church in person.
The best thing about 2021 is that I was finally brave enough to have a much needed surgery (during a covid lull here). It has completely changed my life. Now I enjoy spending quiet times reading, instead of reading being one of the only activities I could do.
The best thing for me in 2021 was that my family stayed healthy.
I think it was appreciating time with my daughter more…she is growing up so quickly and I need to hold in to each moment.
My oldest son found a job he loves and is awesome at! My youngest is graduating college and will be starting a job in the next week. I’m so proud of them both ❤️
The best thing about 2021 has been watching my son become a better basketball player and made his school team.
We are back to in person learning for school. 🙂
The best thing about 2021 was last Monday, when our school district finally lifted the mask mandate. Not just because I didn’t have to wear one, but because I am now able to see the faces of all 400+ students as I enter classrooms. I’ve missed their smiles!
The best thing about 2021 was visiting with my great aunt more and getting the untouchable horse where I can touch them. I even have one matching my steps while on lead.
The best thing was taking the family to Disney World it was the first family vacation we ever had
The best thing about 2021 for me was something happened that made me realize that taking care of myself was most important and if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be around very long to do anything for anybody else.
I’m happy I managed to keep myself alive for the whole year. Very tough mentally.
For me, the best part about 2021 is that my son was able to go back to school in person! He wasn’t learning anything and not socializing at all!!
What a crazy year. I’m thankful having my daughter went well in March. I’m forever grateful my mama survived her aneurysm, it’s still rocky but there is hope. I’m happy we made it another year, almost. Xoxox
I moved to a different city and love where we’re living now. It’s not perfect, but so far it’s been the best place for me.
My family stayed happy and healthy!!
The best thing about 2021 was working from home.
There were a few highlights that happened to me this year. There was an admin change at work and it couldn’t have worked out better. My oldest son got his first job, proud mom moment. I got a very unexpected promotion at work that I didn’t know I wanted until I got it. Since that promotion, I’ve gotten 2 pay raises, which is more than I’ve gotten in over 4 years.
2021 was a dificult year with some highlights and bright moments ❤
We had our shots of vaccines, more gatherings with friends…
And most cherished day, my daughter’s wedding day.
It was smaller than planned, after three postponed dates .
But it was beautiful with church ceremony and restaurant celebration. She was as princes, this is mother’s right to be proud 😁
So all in all, nice year but hoping the next will bring more joy, happiness and health ❤❤❤
Man this year has been tough! ( I don’t think I did this one? Sometimers) I have struggled with health issues, but I have also watched my oldest two girls blossom. My nineteen year old, Harmony, has a job, her own place, and is my artist. My sixteen year old, Hope, has straight A’s, and works about 30hrs a week. She works with animals. I am proud of the women they are becoming!! It is very rewarding watching them.
Best thing about 2021 my boys went back too school. Even though Covid is still crazy and I worry about them being in school, they need that interaction with their teachers.
The best thing about 2021 is I cut out sugar and have lost weight and feel great!
The last two years have been rough on everyone. My husband am I can both work form home and we were lucky that our kids school had the whole online schooling down. My oldest son graduated school in June and we were even able to clelebrate with all his classmates. I’m very thankful that we are all healthy.
This is a bittersweet answer. I lost 4 family members this year. Losing all of them pushed me to prioritize my mental health and items on my bucket list. I finally took that “cross country” trip to South Dakota with my son the week after I lost my grandma to Covid and my uncle to cancer the month before. Then after 5 years went to see my family in Mexico to check in with my grandpa, aunts and remaining uncle to see how they were after losing a son/brother and mom/wife. My last day we lost my stepmom’s dad and one of my cousins both to heart failure. I started seeing a therapist for the grief and issues from when I was little. It has helped significantly. The trip was so much fun and a much needed break. My husband took me on my first ever cruise in August. I put my foot down about better pay at my job and finally moving ground on having fair equal pay to the team members added on after me, even though i still carry the heavier patient case load. I told them i will walk by spring, if I do not have what i have been requesting for 2 years now. I hate that it took so much to make a change.
My family hasn’t contracted COVID-19 and we are all healthy.
My daughter getting married!
I had people bless me with gifts for my kiddos for this Christmas. Without them I wouldn’t have had Christmas this year because our only source of income was taking care of my father in law whom unfortunately ended up in an out of home placement. They say the equipment he needs we can’t have in our home.
The best thing about 2021 is that my eldest passed his GCSE’s, I live in England, and started his engineering apprenticeship!! He’s thriving and studying so hard, but enjoying the whole experience, especially the being paid part!!
Might be small, but I suffer from two chronic illnesses, and I’m unable to drive long distances. I was lucky my Mom picked me up the day before Thanksgiving so I could spend the holiday with my family. I spent a week there and had an amazing time being surrounded by my brother, nieces and nephew. For my Mom to drive 2 hours here and 2 hours back just for me, that is a true blessing and one of the best things that has happened to me in 2021 😊
We bought a new house!!
Best thing for 2021 was advancement back to normal! My whole family got a vaccine and our daughter got to go back to school! Not only that, but she got to do cheerleading, soccer and baseball! She had three sports seasons! It had been so long … she was so excited to be with friends again.
Getting to spend time with family and friends
I was fired from my job! I know that doesn’t sound like a good thing, but while working in health care for the last 2 years my desire to work in health care has waned and depression and anxiety started to take it’s toll.
This year has been such a blur. But the good thing is always the time I get to spend with my family.
I was able to spend more time with my family.
This year wasn’t one of my favorites overall BUT we did travel for the first time as a family and flew to Florida! So I am thankful we got that opportunity!
The best thing this year was that my grandson was born healthy he had complications but he’s great now very blessed
Happy Holidays 🎀🎁🎄
I have been able to study some areas that have always intrigued me.
The best ting this year is that my husband after longer then 6 months on the whaitinglist on 38 juni his openhart operation get and he is now in a very good condition and we are sooo glad that everiting is oke ❤️
28 juni ☺️
2021 was the absolute worse for me. I lost the love of my life and Mt children lost their father on November 17th. My husband passed due to covid complications. Now I have to live the next 60 years or so without him.
**Sorry to bum everyone out 😢**
The best thing about 2021 has not happened yet, but it will – I finally get my granddaughters for Christmas this year. I can’t wait I am Super Excited!!
The best thing in 2021 was my relaxing trip to the beach. I needed a vacation and those few days recharged me.
A new job/promotion (same company, different department) and working from home. I suffer from some social anxiety so while I do miss seeing the people in the office, I love being able to work without feeling the constant anxiety around people. 🙂
The best thing about 2021 is i got to spend time with family. Also glad its almost over.
The best part of 2021…🤔 Miss16 passing her learner drivers test, Miss11’s dance concert (always a highlight of every year) & discovering you, JA Huss!
The best thing that happened in 2021 was graduating high school with my IB diploma, which stands for International Baccalaureate, and getting accepted into my dream college.
I finally got my new dishwasher. Mine broke in March of 2020 so I have been washing dishes by hand. With young kids in the house its like like laundry, never ending. So grateful.
Best thing about 2021 was finally getting the 10 minute version of All Too Well by Taylor swift! Waited years to get to hear it! Haha
Being trapped, I mean working from home all of 2021 with my husband has given me a greater appreciation of how we mesh. The best thing is we still get along!
Visit with family and friends. You don’t know how much you miss them until something like Covid gets in the way.
Best thing about 2021 was our great neighborhood. Everyone was very supportive of each other especially helpful for neighbours who live alone.
2021 wasn’t a good year for me but the best thing was that we adopted two more kittens. They are so cute and I adore them
The best thing for me in 2021 was adopting a dog. We adopted a white German Shepherd.
The best thing of 2021 is the fact that cruises have started again and I have been on 3 so far since restarting.
Finding abs making time to get together with our friends on Friday twice a month was a nice thing to look forward to .
2021 has been mixed. I lost my dad to COVID-19 the morning after my birthday. My brothers and I got to spend 40 minutes with him the evening before he died (happy birthday to me!) which was a blessing thanks to the hospital allowing us to visit. The best thing will happen on Jan 1, when I finally become eligible for Medicare, after 29 months on Disability. Yay! Healthcare!
The best thing for me for 2021 was actually being able to spend time with family members as a group and not through a computer screen.
We went on a family vacation again after missing last year (2020). It was also the first time seeing my mom after 2.5 years. Stupid covid
I found my late mother’s daughter that she put up for adoption before she got married on We have already met and connected immediately. We are so similar that it is spooky. She is coming to visit me in 3 weeks to meet the rest of the family.
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The best thing about 2021 is that I’ve stopped letting everyday problems stress me out so much. I’ve been relaxing and enjoying life much more. I’m finally figuring out that life is too short to get bogged down by inconsequential things.
For me the best part of 2021 was putting things into perspective. With everything we went through with Covid, I learned how to look at things through a different lens, with more focus on the positives in my life and what I can control.
The best thing about 2021 is my family getting vaccinated.
The best thing about 2021 was that my family got another healthy year from my grandparents. My grandmother has dementia and my grandfather has alzheimer’s, so we never know how the next day is going to go. But we were lucky that they were with us this year. Here’s to next year!
Having our first Grandchild
The best thing that happened to me was switching jobs. Took a small pay cut but my mental health is way better!!
The best thing about 2021 was all the books I got to read. So far I’ve read 759 books and I’m still going ❤❤
The best thing about 2021 was being able to reconnect with people (friends family coworkers) in person.
I got a new job this year with better pay.
The best thing about for me was I got a cute little blue pittbull and named her ‘Blue’. She absolutely loves me and makes me smile everyday!
Finding a secure nursing facility with loving, kind and compassionate caregivers for my mom, who has dementia.
Being home more with my children.
Family is healthy
So many great audible reads!
I’m happy that my husband got to take time off to spend time with his buddies. He got to go to his first World Series and had the pleasure of his favorite team take it (Atlanta Braves). He hit some big sporting events this year and he deserved it! Plus our family stayed healthy.
The best part of 2021 for me was getting the opportunity to try homeschooling my kids. It’s something I have always wanted to do and I quickly discovered it’s harder than I thought it would be! I really enjoyed having that time with my kids but decided they are better off learning from the professionals.
The best thing about 2021 was that I finished by second traineeship – no more school! I also finally got around to buying my first motorbike. It was a good year.
I started the gym this year and it’s not a regular gym – I go to a class each day for 50 mins, work my butt off with what the coach (PT) advises what we are doing. It’s helping me become a better person for myself and becoming more fit even with all my health issues. Having my family support me in this makes it even more special to me.
Thanks for the chance.
#2 is that we made it through! Then I also have to add that we brought two sweet kitties into our home and became chicken people again, adding 16 to our little acre!
This was a horrible year, from broken wrist to having to replace 3 appliances, flooded basement, canceled travel. Gahhhhh. I know that 2022 will be better. I am grateful for 2021 in one way… it showed me how strong I can be.
My brother was diagnosed with cancer in 2020 so even though we are literally in the process of sitting with him this week for his final days, we got to spend some wonderful quality time with him this year. He’s only 49 and we lost my dad at the same age from cancer so it’s been a rough 2 years. Needless to say, Christmas won’t be happening this year.
Lots of good things and aside from health, but I would say my freshman college son getting to be a starting pitcher for his college baseball team and being voted “Rookie of the Year” by his teammates! Knowing he is happy and successful in college both academically and athletically warms a mom’s heart! Lots of hard work paying off!
My son was born in january. I’m a new mom, so it was a little scary year for me. He is our rainbow baby, we are truly blessed.💕