Spark is light, Spark is magic, Spark is power.
Spark is everything and it blooms inside the bodies of Tau City’s young women. Once a decade, in exchange for enough power to keep the city modern and comfortable, a Spark Maiden must be sacrificed to their mysterious tower god in a ritual called The Extraction.
Ten Maidens are Chosen, but only one enters the tower as a sacrifice, never to be seen again. The nine leftovers are elevated to celebrity status and spend the next decade living in the luxurious Maiden Tower, wearing couture gala gowns, and partying with the city’s most interesting and beautiful people. Every young woman in Tau City wants to be a Spark Maiden because the odds have always been in their favor.
Until now.
One by one, the greedy god has summoned the leftover Spark Maidens into sacrifice. When Clara Birch, Spark Maiden number nine, gets the call, she fully expects her fiancé, Finn Scott, the Extraction Master’s son, to save her.
Spoiler alert: He’s not going to.
At the same time, a rebellion is brewing. The forgotten underclass is plotting the end of the god and his tower with strategically-placed Rebel spies that will bring it all down. Jasina Bell is a young woman on a mission to make history and she will stop at nothing to get the fame she deserves.
When Clara is forced into the tower against her will, she makes an unexpected discovery. There is no god—just a man, one willing to do what Finn Scott wouldn’t: save Clara Birch.
Even if it means destroying the entire world to do so.
Betrayal and sacrifice, loyalty and power plays—four people are entangled across time and space as they seek truth, freedom, and true love in this wild and twisted adult romantasy that will have fans of “Outlander” and “Kushiel’s Dart” breathlessly turning pages until the very last word.

By JA Huss
Adult Romantasy
Publishing September, 19, 2024

FULL-CAST Audiobook performed by:
Jill Redfield
Ava Erickson
CJ Mission
Eric Nolan
Teddy Hamilton
Kingsley Rose
Joel Froomkin


Ride or Die
Friends to Lovers
Ultimate Betrayal
Morally Grey
Enemies to Lovers
Found Family
Duty and Honor
False Gods
Love Redeems


Pass this around to your friends!
111 Responses
Cannot wait!!!
I’m with you, I can’t wait either. I have it marked on my cell phone calendar and a reminder set so I can buy it the minute I wake up Monday. So excited!
It went live already!!
I’m definitely the bossiest
I can’t wait! (And neither I or my hubby are very bossy…so it’s easily my dogs who do things like make sure I get up by 6:30 every morning. And demand walks. And to be fed on time…)
My 15 year old son who thinks that he knows it all! I am constantly having to remind him that if he doesn’t straighten up his act his games,tv,and phone are on the line
I’m the bossiest!
I’m bossy, but my mother is the absolute bossiest in the family.
Well, if it’s me or my SO, I’m the bossiest. The women in my family are strong and dominant lol.
The cover is hot, and I am the bossiest!
I’m the bossiest.
I think it’s a toss up between my husband and me… And sometimes, that can make things a little bit dicey 😉
It’s a tie between me and my husband.
I’m not that bossy. My sister wins it all! A redhead at heart.
I am a bossy bitch, from the word, “GO!”…but my daughter runs a close second. LOL, I know EXACTLY where she gets it from!
I love the cover and can’t wait to read
I let my husband thinks he is the boss but I am the boss
I am the bossiest in my family.
I am the bossy but my daughter thinks she is lol
In this house I am the bossiest. My middle child comes in second. He is 22 going on 42 LOL.
My mom, and my dad at times.. lol.
My aunt is- I can never get a word in edge wise, seriously, she can be so controlling.
I am the bossiest person in my family. Even our dog knows I’m the boss 😉
I think my sister is the bossiest!
My sister! She basically runs the family and everyone listens to her. That’s why I’m glad I live on the opposite coast!
Either me or my son
My 6 year old son is pretty bossy. I try to be lol
Looking forward to meeting you at book bonanza in August!
I live in a household with 4 boys (including my husband) so I’m definitely the Queen Boss!
It may be all about me, but it’s notlike anyone listens! So I’ve got a boss, a younger boss, and someone who rolls his eyes alot.
Completely the same my almost 8 year old daughter is insanely bossy for sure!
Sadly I think it is ME! lol
My daughter is bossy and so am I so it may be a tie.
I’m the Queen Alpha Boss in my house since I live with 3 furbabies
My 38 year old daughter. She got it honestly from her biological father. He was just as bossy. We love her anyway lol
I am, simply, “THE BOSS!” I have always been “THE BOSS, and I have always been “THE BOSS! At my job, I was, THE CAPTAIN! There it is in a nut shell, THE BOSS! I win, hands down, and without peer!!
I think my husband and daughter are the bossiest. My son and I are more laid back.
Most definitely me!!!
Can’t wait
Our cat! Her name is Chipper but it should have been Queen. She chases our dog Joey, she’ll hit our feet if we walk by her without acknowledging her and she follows my daughter when SHE’S ready for bed. Yeah she tries to rule this roost 🐈😂
My daughter is the bossiest.
I’m not the bossy one, my husband is.
Definitely my son, but he’s got a cute and sneaky way to get away with it!!
Omg. I’m going to admit this but only because no one in my family will ever see this. I am very much the bossiest! It comes with my OCD. Things have to be done a certain way, items belong in their specific place. I will lose my mind if I’m not the one who does it because nobody else can do it just right.
The bossiest person in our household is ME! Hubby tells me I’m getting that way (usually when I’m stressed and need “control”), and I can usually stop….
Thank you for all the awesome books!!! Keep them coming.
My brothers and sister would say it was me! 😂
I’m the bossiest, because I’m the boss :). However, the middle child bosses around the other two… and the youngest dog has been given the illusion that he is the boss (just depends how pissed off he makes his older doggie sibling).
My husband is the bossiest by far.
I am bossy but my daughter is like me so my hubby would say both
My sister is bossy.
You took my answer
According to my hubby I am 😀
ME!!!! I’m the mom, that’s why!
That might have been me but now I have a little Grandaughter who is very demanding and bossy but only 11 weeks old so its ok 🙂
Love your bossy bastards!
My middle sister
Since I’m my own family, it’s me. And I’m afraid I am bossy.
I’m pretty sure it’s me!
Jesse is SO Hot but oh gosh I wonder if my grandson will look like this when he grows up!!
My husband an I are both bossy it’s a toss up on who is bossiest!! 😂🤷♀️
This book though OMG it’s SO very Good!!
My Husband is for sure but my sister can be quite bossy 😂
My sister is definitely the bossiest.
Love the cover. I think my husband, my sister in law and my youngest sister are the bossiest.
This is amazing!
My mom, and it’s definitely not her house!
Cliche, but I’m the bossiest!
Love this cover!
I’m definitely the bossiest in the family😂
Without a doubt it is my husband. He is NEVER wrong and wants to make sure we all now it. We all just go along with him and let him think he’s in charge.
Both the hubby and the daughter.. They ‘re two peas in a pod, I swear! 😡😕😤 drives me insane!
Hands down my husband is the bossiest!
My sister in law !! She loves to run things and she’s also a know it all ! I love her,but sometimes!😉
I am!! But in my defense I know my husband loves it
My husband is. He thinks he’s always right!! He just thinks he’s running things. Lol
I definitely the bossiest.
my sister and I are bossy.
My mother-in-law! She rules the
My youngest daughter bosses everyone lol Her dad, 2 older sisters, younger brother!! Shes my mini me lol
My 16 year old daughter!
Definitely my sister and my 13 year old son
Sat my house I’m the bossiest!!
My mom
Thanks for the chance!
I am or my mom.
I would say my sister is.. She’s super opinionated!!
The bossiest person in my family is pretty much me but my sister is also there right at the top of the list. Lol.
Definitely my thirteen year old daughter! 😂
My mother is the bossiest.
me i’m bossiest
My husband.
My mother in law is the bossy one
Looking forward
I am the bossiest in our family, and my husband hates it. But he knows I’m always right.
I guess I would be the bossiest. Not mean though lol
Of course I’m bossy I’m a mom I have three girls lol I have to be. BUT my middle one for sure wins she thinks she’s our mom, bossing is around all the time.
My almost 6 year old granddaughter!
I guess that would be me! 🙂
My dog! He rules the house.
My daughter .She’s 45 and bosses everybody but we don’t listen to her to much.
Lol I’d say it’s a toss up between my mother, and me. Depends on who we’re trying to get through to. There are thick heads all around us. Including our own… Lol 😝❤💋
I am the bossiest person in my house, and my granddaughter comes in second.
Our cat, KiKi Petals, is the bossiest person in our family.
Can’t wait to read this. Sounds 🔥🔥🔥
She would say I am but, my older sister is the bossiest of all of us.
I can be yeah bossy!
My dad was by far the bossiest person in our family!!! Things are waaaay quieter without him!
My toddler is the bossiest lol
My brother it is his way or no way.
My sister is by far the bossiest in the family. Always her way!
One of my cousin’s